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Roskomnadzor began the installation of equipment for the isolation of the Russian Internet (Runet)

Roskomnadzor will be able to control all data transmission points abroad and traffic routing using special equipment

The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roscomnadzor) started testing the equipment for implementation of the law on the isolation of Runet. The pilot project is planned to be completed by mid-October.

According to the head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov, all major mobile operators in Russia have joined the Roskomnadzor project for testing the equipment and now the equipment is being installed.

Zharov said that the experiment will be carried out on the equipment of the manufacturer that has already passed all the tests. Now there is an experiment with two more manufacturers, he added. According to Zharov, among them is company It is interesting to note that the development of the company was recognized as the most effective in the tests of blocking the Telegram messenger.

"We will be testing it for several weeks from the end of September," Zharov said. According to him, the experiment will not be conducted in all of Russia, but testing will take place in one of the regions. The name of the region was not disclosed.

The head of the Service said that they would tell about the results of the experiment in mid-October, but so far he cannot disclose all the details.

"My reluctance to speak is due solely to information security issues," he stressed.
Also, during the conversation with journalists Zharov said that the creation of a Center for monitoring and managing a public communications network is proceeding as planned.

In November, the law on the isolation of the Runet, adopted in the spring, will come into force. According to the document, Roskomnadzor will be able to control all data transmission points abroad and traffic routing using special equipment. Although the law will enter into force in November, Roskomnadzor began to prepare in advance the rules for its application.

Recall that on May 1, Vladimir Putin signed a law on the isolation of the Runet. According to this law, Roskomnadzor assumes all the authority for managing networks in case of threats to the Russian Internet. In addition, Roskomnadzor has the right to directly block websites with prohibited information.

The Kremlin called the document a precautionary measure. Federation Council speaker Valentina Matvienko stressed that the authorities do not intend to restrict Internet access to Russians.
The Ministry of Сommunications has identified a list of threats in which the Runet can go into a centralized control mode. In particular, when there are threats to integrity (when it is impossible to establish a connection between users), stability (when part of the equipment fails or natural or man-made disasters occur) and security (when someone tries to break into the equipment of providers or has a “destabilizing internal or external information impact” on communication network).

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