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A New and Amazingly Simple Device in an Era of Pandemics to Protect Your Privacy

Firewalla Blue which Locks Down Your Home WiFi Network?

A period of pandemics and social distancing sent more people than ever into the work-from-home world. These new realities mean average consumers at home wound up confronted with yet another problem. 

A considerable lot of their household internet setups came up short on the security and protection of bigger workplace setups that incorporate upgraded cybersecurity and firewalls. Here steps in a new and incredibly simple on-hand device to plug those privacy gaps at the source. 

The Firewalla cybersecurity unit hit the market before anyone even realized what a coronavirus was. Nobody could've envisioned how ideal its feature would be. It was initially expected to prevent the 'creep next door' from redirecting the user's Wi-Fi sign or taking advantage of their home security cameras. 

The device is made to shield all devices on the system from cyberattacks and alert the user when anything worrying is to such an extent as endeavored. When the user purchases the unit and assigns out its guard duty, there's no monthly fee. 

The magic device additionally comes with a rather one of a kind feature through which it constructs a personal online firewall, there's the "Family Time Social Hour" ability that totally blocks every single social media platform for each hour in turn. 

Regardless of whether the user needs to compel everybody to complete some work or ground kids in some face-to-face interaction, a world without Twitter or Facebook for an hour is indeed a brilliant place. 

Apart from this addition keeping the user's private messages, documents, and other online behavior behind their home's own readymade firewall, this little blue box empowers monitoring of any minor's Wi-Fi use. 

Parents can likewise utilize Firewalla to keep out unwanted sites and online networking intruders. 

Nonetheless, the devices are pretty simple to set up and ready to improve personal and home-based situated online security in numerous ways, the Firewalla is a sensibly evaluated and viable choice for ensuring online privacy regardless of whether your home hasn't become a base for pandemic-time homebound work. 

The Firewalla Blue comes with 500Mb processing power, while the more affordable Firewalla Red offers 100Mb and sells for $109. As of now, only Firewalla Red is accessible at Amazon. Nonetheless, both the versions remain accessible and in stock at the Firewalla website.

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