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Iran Suffers Largescale Cyberattacks, Two Government Organizations Affected

no hacking group has claimed responsibility for the attack


In a recent cybersecurity incident, Iran has confirmed that it suffered two significant cyberattacks. One such attack even targeted Iran's government organizations. IT department of the Iranian government reported that the hackers attacked Iran's two major institutions. However, no hacking group has claimed responsibility for the attack as of now. The Iranian government is yet to confirm whether the actors involved in the breach were domestic or foreign. The earlier target of the attacks happened on Monday and Tuesday is still not confirmed by the government. 

Jerusalem Post reports that the Iranian government made the news of attacks official when the incident started getting heat on social media. Another news agency said that the attacks had damaged Iranian ports' electronic infrastructures. Radio Farda, a US-funded agency, says that the attack targets are likely to be Iran's ports, banks, and maritime organizations; the news, however, isn't confirmed. Tasnim, a quasi-official news outlet, reports that the country's spokesperson said the 'nation's sworn enemies carried out the cyberattacks.' 

The organization reports that the government has blocked the attacks' further efforts and has put a stop to the attacker's ambitions. The spokesperson of the Iranian government's IT department, Abolghasem Sadeghi, says that the attack caused various government institutes to stop their internet services temporarily to aoid further damage. He comments on the episode as 'large scale' and says an investigation has been set up to inquire about the breach. The authorities haven't released other information. 

According to the Jerusalem Post, "Iranian Minister of Communications and Information Technology Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi claimed that its security shield repelled two of the three attacks in December. Jahromi claimed that the Islamic Republic's national cybersecurity wall, known as Digital Fortress or Dezhfa, helped thwart 33 million cyberattacks against the country in 2019, according to Fars News Service." In a similar attack happened last year, it reported "Intelligence and cybersecurity officials familiar with the incident told the Post that the attack was carried out by "Israeli operatives," possibly in retaliation for an earlier cyber attack on Israel's civilian water system."
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