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Domestic Kitten - An Iranian Surveillance Operation

The inner workings of the Domestic Kitten hacking group's surveillance operations have been disclosed by researchers.


Check Point researchers as of late revealed the full degree of Domestic Kitten's broad surveillance operation against Iranian residents that could pose a threat to the security of the Iranian system. The actual operation is linked to the Iranian government and executed by APT-C-50. Started in 2017, this operation comprised 10 unique campaigns, targeted more than 1,200 people with more than 600 effective infections. It incorporates 4 currently active campaigns, the latest of which started in November 2020. In these campaigns, victims are tricked to install a malicious application by various vectors, including an Iranian blog website, Telegram channels, and even by SMS with a link to the noxious application. 

The victims incorporate prominent scholastics, activists and business pioneers in Iran and elsewhere, and government authorities in the United States and Europe, researchers at Israeli cybersecurity firm Check Point said in a couple of reports released on Monday. 

The APT uses versatile malware called FurBall. The malware depends on commercially-available monitoring software called KidLogger, and as indicated by the researchers, "it seems that the developers either obtained the KidLogger source code or reverse-engineered a sample and stripped all extraneous parts, then added more capabilities." FurBall is spread through an assortment of assault vectors including phishing, Iranian sites, Telegram channels, and employing SMS messages containing a link to the malware. The malware uses an assortment of disguises to attempt to fool a victim into the installation, for example, being packaged as "VIPRE" mobile security, masquerading as a news outlet app, acting as repackaged legitimate mobile games found on Google Play, app stores, restaurant services, and wallpaper applications. 

When installed on a target device, FurBall can intercept SMS messages, get call logs, gather device information, record communication, steal media and stored files, monitor device GPS coordinates and so track their target's movements, and more. At the point when data has been accumulated from the compromised device, it very well may be sent to command-and-control (C2) servers that have been utilized by Domestic Kitten since 2018. Linked IP addresses were found in Iran, in both Tehran and Karaj.  

On Monday, Check Point researchers, along with SafeBreach, additionally uncovered the activities of a subsequent danger group that is effectively focusing on Iranian dissidents but rather than focus on their smartphones, their PCs are at risk.
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Check Point

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