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1.8 Million People's Credit Card Information was Stolen from Sports Gear Sites

A huge cyberattack was recently reported by four well-renowned affiliated online sports gear sites.


Four well-known affiliated online sports equipment websites recently disclosed and claimed a significant cyberattack. In this cyberattack, hackers compromised and stole the credit card information of over 1.8 million customers. A law firm representing these four sports gear websites revealed that on October 1st, 2021, a data breach occurred in which hackers compromised personal and credit card information; for the time being, the firm concluded with this much detail only. 

Tackle Warehouse LLC (Fishing gear), Running Warehouse LLC (Running apparel), Tennis Warehouse LCC (Tennis apparel), and Skate Warehouse LLC (Skateboards and skating apparel) are the affected websites. Full name, Financial account number, Credit card number (with CVV), Debit card number (with CVV), and Website account password have all been compromised as a result of this incident.

On the 15th of October, these sites discovered that they had been compromised, and on the 29th of November, they told their consumers about the data breach, in which hackers obtained over 1.8 million credit card information. Finally, on December 16th, they notified and sent security alerts to all affected persons. 

Because none of the published notices impacted customers to provide any information about the nature of the incident, the real means of getting the data remains unknown. However, as stated in the description, "External system breach (hacking)," this appears to be a database breach rather than the installation of card skimmers on the websites, though both situations are possible. 

Tackle’s notification states, “Upon becoming aware of the incident, Tackle Warehouse took the measures. We also reported the incident to the payment card brands in an attempt to prevent fraudulent activity on the affected accounts. However, we have reported this incident to law enforcement and have worked closely with the digital forensics and security firms to enhance the security of our sites to facilitate safe and secure transactions.” 

If customers made a purchase from one of these four compromised websites, they should keep track of everything, such as incoming communications with vigilance, keep an eye on their bank account and credit card statements, and report any unusual activity right away, said the security researchers. Aside from that, they stated that the compromised data is extremely sensitive, but that the portals have not yet given any identity protection services to all of their affected clients.
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