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A Phishing Campaign in Germany is Attempting to Steal Banking Credentials

Proofpoint experts have spotted numerous operations imitating big German institutions since August 2021.


Credential phishing attacks aimed at obtaining German banking credentials have become more widespread, according to Proofpoint researchers. Proofpoint analysts have identified multiple high-volume operations imitating large German institutions, such as Volksbank and Sparkasse, employing customized, actor-owned landing sites, since August 2021. Hundreds of organizations are affected by the activity, which is still ongoing.

The commercials were aimed at a variety of industries, with a focus on German companies and foreign workers in Germany. Each campaign, which included tens of thousands of letters, had an influence on hundreds of organizations. Account administration information is included in the phishing emails, but they also contain links or QR codes that lead to a geo-fenced credential harvesting website. Targeted information includes banking branch details, login identity, and PIN. The threat actor used a number of URL redirection tactics to spread the infected URLs. In various efforts, the threat actor used hacked WordPress websites to redirect users to phishing landing pages. 

To spread malicious URLs for phishing and malware assaults, threat actors regularly use WordPress plugins and websites built using WordPress software. Feedproxy URLs and QR codes were also identified being exploited to redirect to phishing pages. Only German visitors are directed to the phishing website. The threat actor's employment of geofencing measures is to blame. Threat actors are utilising IP geolocation checks to determine the location of a target, according to Proofpoint. If the user is not in Germany, they are directed to a website clone ostensibly providing tourist information for Dusseldorf's Rhine Tower. If the user is in Germany, they will be directed to a website that resembles a bank's website. 

Using identical domain naming conventions, the actor hosts these pages on their own actor-controlled infrastructure. Sparkasse credential phishing URLs, for example, frequently begin with "spk-," whereas Volksbank clones begin with "vr-." Some samples of the domains used by this threat actor are, vr-mailormular[.]com/Q20EBD6QLJ, vr-umstellungssystem-de[.]com/FLBSEKZ9S3, spk-security-spk[.]com/P84OZ3OIS2, spk-systemerneuerung-spk[.]com/CJ4F6UFR0T. 

This campaign cannot be linked to a known threat group, according to Proofpoint. However, registrant information linked to several domains found in some of this activity has been linked to over 800 phoney websites, the majority of which imitate banks or financial institutions. This perpetrator may have been targeting users of Spanish banks early this year, according to domain registration. Banking credential theft and fraudulent financial activity cybercriminal threat actors are opportunistic and target huge numbers of victims.
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Credential stealing

Cyber Attacks


Phishing Campaign

Threat actor