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Cyber Unsafe: How not to be the target of cybercriminals

Users should constantly update themselves and keep up with the latest advancements in technology as it'll allow them to stay abreast of the solution.


The cyber threat landscape continues to evolve and grow more sophisticated as netizens are being proactively targeted by cybercriminals. It is the browsing habits of users that make cybercrime possible and perhaps more convenient for cybercriminals. Cyber intrusions and online crimes could be prevented by taking correct security measures and being more alert and aware of the tactics employed by criminals, asserts Gaurav Gupta, Manager Clients Services in an IT MNC. 
Convergence of technology; the rapid speed at which the internet and technology are evolving has cushioned malicious cyber activities, providing a stronger and more interconnected base for criminals to target users who heavily rely on advanced technology. Gaurav notes that cyber criminals deceive the human mind by manipulating emotions. The various ways in which users do so involve luring users via lucrative deals, lottery schemes, fear of missing out, and other tactics that generate panic among users leading them to become a victim of cyber fraud. 
The author and cyber security enthusiast with 9 years of corporate experience working with different MNCs, Gaurav Gupta, further alerts the users to “take everything with a pinch of salt” in cyberspace as the level of cybercrime has skyrocketed at an unprecedented speed, scale, and volume. The emerging trends in cybercrime require a whole new level of expertise and awareness. Understanding and recognizing the cyber threat via studying the patterns is one effective way towards curbing the scope of cybercrime, as per Gupta. He explains that criminals leave traces behind and the artifacts could be quantified to assume the root cause which further could be instrumental for security researchers in developing potential solutions. 
Criminals are creative but lazy thereby ensuring basic preventive measures are in place, and exercising the simplest of precautions would significantly reduce one’s chances of being targeted as the ones who are more carefree and careless would be more susceptible to the threat, Gaurav said while giving examples of criminals’ creativity viz. internet and gaming addiction (malware links), exploiting technology like AI, machine language to develop deep fakes, robotic arms, and privacy violations.
Perspective is a many-leveled thing, once a user understands and starts seeing things through a researcher and awareness perspective, he’ll be able to protect himself against a wide range of cybercrimes, according to Gupta. He further notes that the human mind is wired to instinctively click and proceed/agree to everything that appears as a formality without paying much heed, cybercriminals exploit these muscle and motor movements of the users while weaponizing their intelligence against themselves. ‘Haste’ in cyberspace, as per the author, could prove to be lethal; in case of doubts users are suggested to be careful, take a step back and go back to verify the doubt while refraining from acting in a hurry. 
Users should constantly update themselves and keep up with the latest advancements in technology as it will allow them to stay abreast of the solutions that exist both commercially as well as in academics and research. Users will come across tools, techniques, stories, and methodologies on how to be cyber safe – as elaborately mentioned by Gaurav Gupta in his book “Cyber Unsafe: A Handbook for Preventing Computer Frauds and Cyber Crimes”, co-authored by Garima Gupta. 

Students shall be counseled that ‘social engineering, design flaws, and keylogger’ are the most commonly exploited aspects by criminals as they commit NFC based new frauds – cloning/concealing/synthetic identity theft, cloned plastic cards/skimmers/using fake documents, doctored stills/videos to conduct cyber frauds. Gupta strongly advises against using unknown USB cables to charge as it entails the risk of ‘juice jacking’. Prevention is indeed better than cure in the digital world as well. In order to actively combat the cyber threats, users shall think of it as an obligation to stay updated and exercise the very basic preventive measures to keep themselves and their families safe.
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