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CISO Discuss Main Safety Concerns

An increasing number of users are worried about data security.


In terms of cyber threats, 2022 was a crucial year. Enterprises are under increased pressure to enhance their security operations in order to stay up with the republic hackers and skilled cybercriminals who have been encouraged by the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Frank Kim, a professional and fellow of SANS Institute, has joined YL Ventures as the organization's new full-time CISO-in-residence. In order to offer assistance and direction as companies develop their cybersecurity solutions and expand their businesses, YL Ventures links startup entrepreneurs with CISOs.

Former CISO of the SANS Institute and founder of ThinkSec, a security consulting and CISO consultancy firm, Kim will focus on the financial implications of enhancing security in his new position.

An increasing number of users are worried about data security, particularly how securely organizations may use, share, and exploit data. The key to encouraging and facilitating the adoption and use of data, looking at future revenue streams for businesses. It is justified in being a top priority for CISOs because it has grown to be such a crucial component of the company and a highly profitable target for attackers. Kim said, "We have to stay up with the changing and moving data in the modern, dynamic corporate climate with M&As and consolidation."

Top characteristics of a future chief data security officer:

Exhibit strategic focus
The most effective will approach problems from a business standpoint as opposed to a technical or tactical one. They present themselves as visionary leaders rather than firefighters who are only called in during emergencies.

Assess opportunity and risk
Risk need not always be nasty or destructive, but the risk that is not handled can be. If the CISO insists that all risk is bad and must be eliminated, they risk losing the support of their colleagues and impeding forward-thinking initiatives.

Permits the display of leadership ability
The organization as a whole and the security sector esteem next-gen CISOs for their charisma, ingenuity, connections, and respectability. They never miss a chance to highlight the benefits information security has for the company.

Possesses business skills, strengthens trust, and demonstrates empathy
Through routine interaction and cooperation, they should contribute to increasing the trust of their team members, clients, partners, and other company stakeholders.

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Cyber Security

data security

Russia-Ukraine War

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