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Open Source Software has Advantages, but Supply Chain Risks Should not be Overlooked

The increasing use of open source packages in application development also creates a path for threat groups.


While app development is faster and easier, security remains a concern. In an era of continuous integration and deployment, DevOps, and daily software updates, open-source components are becoming increasingly important in the software development scene.

In a report released last year, silicon design automation firm Synopsys discovered that 97 percent of codebases in 2021 contained open source and that open source software (OSS) was present in 100 percent of audited codebases in four of 17 industries studied - computer hardware and chips, cybersecurity, energy, and clean tech, and the Internet of Things (IoT). The other verticals had at least 93 percent open source. It can contribute to increased efficiency, cost savings, and developer productivity.

"Open source really is everywhere," Fred Bals, senior technical writer at Synopsys, wrote in a blog post about the report.

However, the increasing use of open-source packages in application development opens the door for threat groups to use the software supply chain as a backdoor to a plethora of targets that rely on it.

Due to the widespread use of OSS packaging in development, many enterprises have no idea what is in their software. With so many different hands involved, it's difficult to know what's going on in the software supply chain. According to a VMware report from last year, concerns about OSS included the need to rely on a community to patch vulnerabilities, as well as the security risks that entails.

Varun Badhwar, co-founder and CEO of Endor Labs – a startup working to secure OSS in app development – called it "the backbone of our critical infrastructure." But he added that developers and executives are often surprised by how much of their applications' code comes from OSS.

According to Badhwar, 95 percent of all vulnerabilities are found in "transitive dependencies," which are open source code packages that are pulled into projects rather than being chosen by developers.

"This is a huge arena, yet it's been largely overlooked," he warned.

Growing awareness of the threat

The use of open source software is not a new trend. According to Brian Fox, co-founder and CTO of software supply chain management vendor Sonatype and a member of the OpenSSF (Open Source Security Foundation) governing board, developers have been doing it for a dozen years or more.

According to Fox, developers assemble the source components and add business logic. As a result, open source becomes the software's foundation.

What has changed in recent years is the general awareness of it, not just among well-intentioned developers who are creating software from these disparate parts.

"The attackers have figured this out as well," he said. "A big notable change over the last five or so years has been the rise of intentional malware attacks on the supply chain."

This was highlighted by the SolarWinds breach in 2020, in which miscreants linked to Russia broke into the company's software system and inserted malicious code. Customers who downloaded and installed the code unknowingly during the update process were then compromised. Similar attacks followed, notably against Kaseya and Log4j.

Obtaining the image using Log4j

According to Fox, the Java-based logging tool is an example of the massive risk consolidation that comes with the widespread use of popular software components.

"It's a simple component way down [in the software] and it was so popular you can basically stipulate it exists in every Java application – and you would be right 99.99 percent of the time," he said. "As an attacker … you're going to focus on those types of things. If you can figure out how to exploit it, it makes it possible to 'spray and pray' across the internet – as opposed to in the '90s, when you had to sit down and figure out how to break each bespoke web application because they all had custom code."

Enterprises have "effectively outsourced 90 percent of your development to people you don't know and can't trust. When I put it that way, it sounds scary, but that's what's been happening for ten years. We're just now grappling with the implications of it."

Log4j also brought to light another issue in the software supply chain, awakening many to how reliant they are on OSS. Despite this, an estimated 29 percent of Log4j downloads are still of the vulnerable versions.

According to Sonatype analysis, the majority of the time a company uses a vulnerable version of any component, a fixed version of the component is available - but they don't use it. This indicates a need for more education. according to Fox. "96 percent of the problem is people keep taking the tainted food off the shelf instead of taking a cleaned-up one."

Concentrating on the repositories

Another OSS-related threat is the injection of malware into package repositories such as GitHub, Python Package Index (PyPI), and NPM. Cybercriminals are using dependency confusion and other techniques to create malicious versions of popular code in order to trick developers into including the code in their software.

They may use an underscore instead of a dash in their code to confuse developers into selecting the incorrect component.

"The challenge with this is that the attack happens as soon as the developer downloads that component and these downloads happen by the tools," Fox said. "It's not like they're literally going to a browser and downloading it like the old days, but they're putting it into their tool and it happens behind the scenes and it might execute this malware.

"The sophistication of the attacks is low and these malware components don't even often pretend to be a legitimate components. They don't compile. They're not going to run the test. All they do is deliver the payload. It's like a smash-and-grab."

Defenses are being strengthened.

Despite the security risks associated with OSS, there are benefits to using it. According to Fox, it is more visible and transparent than commercial software. He cited the response to the Log4j vulnerabilities: the Log4j team produced a fix in a matter of days, which commercial organizations were unlikely to be able to do.

Mike Parkin, the senior technical engineer at Vulcan Cyber, agreed that having more eyes on the code through open source can help mitigate cyber threats, but it also makes it easier for potential attackers.

That said, "historically the tradeoff has usually favored the open source developers," Parkin told The Register.

The SolarWinds attack highlighted the importance of software supply chain security. Building on US President Biden's 2021 Cybersecurity Executive Order, the White House ordered [PDF] federal agencies in September 2022 to follow NIST guidelines when using third-party software, including self-attestation and software bills of materials (SBOMs) by software vendors.

Vendors are working on a variety of initiatives to strengthen the security of the software supply chain. These include the rise of multi-vendor frameworks such as the Open Software Supply Chain Attack Reference, tools such as the Vulnerability Exploitability Exchange (VEX), and other cybersecurity vendor products.

Still, Sonatype's Fox would like to see other steps taken, such as requiring software manufacturers to recall defective software components. They are currently designed to create an SBOM. Fox compared it to car manufacturers only having to provide buyers with a list of vehicle parts, which can then be stuffed into a glove box and forgotten about, with no obligation to recall the vehicle if any of those parts are faulty.

"What we really need is something to basically mandate that they can do a recall, because that implies that they know all the parts and where they ship them and which versions of the applications have which open source dependencies, but it also means they're actually managing it and looking out for that," he said. "That drives you towards that proper behavior."

Fox wishes to concentrate on the actual maintenance of the OSS packages. Governments are moving in that direction, he said, noting that the EU's Cyber Resilience Act mentions the need for recalls, albeit without using the exact words. According to Fox, the Biden administration may be warming up to the idea.

He is also considering component-level firewalls, which work similarly to packet-level firewalls in that they can inspect network traffic and block malicious traffic before an attack can begin. Similarly, a component-level firewall could prevent malicious code from infiltrating the software.

"If you don't even know what's in your software to start with, you probably have no visibility into what's going on with the malware, which is almost a worse problem because it's not just the vulnerability that's latent, waiting for somebody to exploit," he said. "It's causing harm the moment you touch it. Not enough people are really getting their head around that part of the problem either."

The Nexus Firewall, which Fox said was inspired by credit card fraud protection, was built into Sonatype's platform. The firewall recognizes normal behavior and can detect abnormal behavior using artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. More than 108,000 malicious attack attempts were detected by the firewall in 2022.

"So many organizations don't even know that this is a problem," he said. "It's where the game is happening right now and the attackers are kind of having a field day, unfortunately."

It is necessary to have both SBOM and firewall-like capabilities.

"Yes, you need to know where all those parts are, so when the next Log4j happens, you can remediate it immediately and not have to start triaging thousands of applications," Fox argued. "But that's not going to stop these malicious attacks. You also need to be perfect protecting the factory."

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