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Here's Why Cybercriminals are Targeting Linux Operating Systems

The operating system has a good reputation for security. This could change as cyber attacks against Linux-based products and services escalate.


Internal strife is common among ransomware gangs. They argue, they fight, and they establish allies only to rapidly break them. Take, for instance, the leak of malware code from Babuk, which was compromised in 2021 by hackers enraged at being duped by the infamous ransomware gang. 

The outcomes of this intramural warfare are frequently fruitful for cybersecurity experts. Ten other ransomware gangs used the code to attack VMware and ESXI servers after that, and a number of versions were produced that researchers have been busy updating ever since. 

However, what made this particular family of malware noteworthy was that it specifically targeted Linux, which has quickly become a favourite of developers working on creating virtual machines for cloud-based computer systems, hosting for live websites, or IoT devices. With an estimated 14 million internet-facing gadgets, 46.5% of the top million websites by traffic, and an astounding 71.8% of IoT devices using Linux on any one day, its use has increased significantly in recent years. 

That's excellent news for advocates of open-source software development, for whom Linux has always served as an illustration of what can be accomplished when coding communities work together without being constrained by anything as odious as a corporate culture or a profit motivation. 

It's also really alarming for some cybersecurity specialists. Not only is there a significant dearth of ongoing research into the security of Linux-based systems in comparison to those based on more mainstream operating systems, but there is also no official, overarching method for patching the vulnerabilities in this OS. Instead, as befits an open-source product, 'flavours' of Linux are patched on an ad hoc basis by developers with time and intellect to spare - a valuable resource in the face of a real tsunami of cybercrime. Attackers are taking note. AtlasVPN discovered over 1.9 million new malware threats last year, representing a 50% rise year on year.

Shifting trend 

It wasn't always like this. Bharat Mistry recalls a time when hackers were more interested in cracking open old Windows computers. "I believe cybercriminals stayed away because they believed the popularity wasn't there," says Trend Micro's technical director for the UK and Ireland. Linux had a reputation for being secure by design, with reduced default access levels and other characteristics designed to hinder the easy spread of malware. "But over the last six years, certainly with cloud usage, it's [usage has] exponentially grown," says Mistry, increasing the amount of possible vulnerabilities. 

According to Mistry, this is largely due to the fact that it offers a cheap and cheerful alternative to the dominant OS brands, with many different flavours of unlicensed Linux accessible. "When you look at things like web servers that are hosted in the cloud, [why] should I pay for a Windows licence?" Mistry asks, speaking from the perspective of a savvy, money-conscious company. A Linux alternative is "as cheap as chips and does exactly what I need it to do." I can install Apache on it... and have the performance I want without the extra cost." 

Unfortunately, if an operating system is designed and maintained according to open source principles, hackers looking to exploit it can simply source it on GitHub and other software forums. Ensar Seker, for one, is concerned about the consequences for the use of virtual machines (VMs) in the cloud. "Virtual machines often lack the same level of security monitoring as physical systems, making it easier for attackers to go undetected for a longer period of time," says the chief information security officer at digital risk protection platform SOCRadar. 

The fact that the vast majority of software on IoT devices is based on Linux should also be cause for concern, according to the researcher, especially considering the rate of development expected for the smart device market over the next decade. More concerningly, Mistry continues, "we're seeing Linux being used more and more in critical systems," owing to how easy it is to branch and customise variants of the OS to suit particular jobs compared to its mainstream counterparts.

Given hackers' access to the source code of the operating system, malware designed to break open-source versions of these systems is frequently created to a higher standard than its Windows-targeting counterparts. It's also popular among a wide range of cybercriminal gangs. Tilted Temple, a Chinese cyber group, has utilised Linux-based malware to infiltrate important national infrastructure on three continents. 

Major players in the cybercriminal underworld, such as Black Basta, Lockbit, and Hive, have all been identified as deploying targeted Linux-chomping malware to breach online infrastructure. Another such gang, RTM, has been found on dark web forums as trading in harmful, Linux-targeting software. 

It's unclear how prepared cybersecurity providers are for this new threat. After all, until recently, these companies spent far more time fixing vulnerabilities in more widespread operating systems. Far fewer have investigated how vulnerable Linux systems can be to hacking - a squandered opportunity, according to Mistry. "Everyone's been so focused on Windows over the last few years because it's been the predominant operating system that all enterprises use," he explains. "But, in the background, Linux has always been there." 

Future threats 

Mistry does not believe the current wave of Linux attacks will abate anytime soon. He feels it will be some time before consumers and developers become aware of the risks and alter their behaviours. "The vulnerabilities in Linux platforms are massive," Mistry adds. "No one is actively controlling the vulnerabilities and patching them on a daily basis." 

Does this imply that its open-source framework contributes directly to Linux's lack of security? Certainly less, says Mistry. "You've got the openness, you've got the mass flexibility - the problem is when it comes to support," explains Mistry. 

Organisations developing new software on Linux should educate themselves on the trade-offs involved in adopting the operating system. The communities of developers modifying and patching this or that variant of Linux have "got people who will do things, but there's no kind of set body to say, 'This is the kind of direction we're going [in.]," adds Mistry, let alone any built-in regime mandating security standards. As a result, firms would be advised, according to the TrendMicro researcher, to install their own regime or create a viable audit trail for products built on some of the more unusual varieties of Linux. 

So, are the days of Linux as a popular OS alternative numbered? Probably not in the short term, and many cybersecurity vendors are becoming aware of the threat posed by Linux-based systems, according to Mistry. Nonetheless, according to Seker, each new security event involving Linux-targeting malware only serves to erode its reputation as an economical, secure, and open-source alternative to the monolithic Windows and iOS. "Even a single high-profile incident can quickly change a perception if the security community does not respond to threats promptly and effectively," he says.
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