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Stay Vigilant: Google Docs Phishing Scams Spreading Rapidly

Phishing scams targeting Google Docs! Users' accounts and contacts are compromised by cybercriminals exploiting popularity. Be careful!


Phishing scam sophistication is increasing every day, making them more difficult to detect and avoid at the same time. A wide variety of file-sync and share platforms are now available for users, making scammers impute these services and try to infect your computer with fake documents or folders. 

The latest phishing attack has been discovered, aimed at Google Docs/Gmail users, and has spread like wildfire over the internet since this afternoon. A sophisticated and infuriatingly subtle phishing site enabled these people to gain full access to your Gmail with just a click or two. They forwarded all the phishing emails sent to the people you emailed to them. 

In a worrying new phishing scam highlighted by cybersecurity software company Check Point, an email spoofing scam bypasses its usual detection measures. This is to reach victims' inboxes without being detected by usual measures. This phishing scam is described by researchers as an evolution of BEC (business email compromise) 3.0, which refers to a method of gaining access to a target's mailbox by using legitimate sites for malicious purposes. 

It is extremely concerning that a scam with the potential to reach workers could be so successful, especially since many companies favor Google Workspace's office software. Google announced earlier this week that the company had taken steps to prevent impersonator emails. It disabled the accounts of those who sent impersonator emails. 

Legitimate push notifications and emails were sent from Google Drive due to an exploitable flaw. Gmail users were taken to a real Google-hosted page if they clicked the "Open in Docs" button in an email. They were asked if they were willing to allow a seemingly legitimate service, called "Google Docs," to access their email account information if they clicked on that button. 

Scammers access emails, contacts, and online documents when permission was given, after gaining access to the email account. To spread itself, the malware will send an email to everyone in the victim's contacts list so that everyone is infected.

An example of a phishing scam is when a fraudster creates emails, ads, or a website that appears to be a legitimate site. It asks for personal information such as a username, password, social security number, bank account data, or birthday. Google does not request This type of data through emails, and the company indicates that it never does. There is a message on the website encouraging users not to click on links and to report any suspicious emails they receive. 

An increasingly common method of gaining access to login credentials is to use phishing tactics to gain access to them. There are several ways in which users can access the information provided to them. One way is to click on a link and then provide their account details to do so. The problem with this process is that it gives access to the attacker to the user's credentials, allowing them to control the user's email accounts, access social networks like Facebook and other services. 

Forrester Research analyst, Fatemeh Khatibloo, says she has never seen such a widespread Google Docs scam as this one before. She is shocked to see it happening so widely. There is an excellent chance that Google will shut this down as soon as possible because of its resources. 

In recent weeks, a dangerous scam that may trick people into editing a Google Doc - the popular app that allows users to write and share documents - has been spreading rapidly across the internet. The "Open in Docs" button in the email will reroute users to the suspected Google sign-in page where they will be prompted to "continue in Docs", which is a fake sign-in page, asking to continue using Google Docs after clicking the "Open in Docs" button in the email. 

Upon clicking on the link, a user will grant access to the third-party app, which in turn may send spam to even more of the user's contacts if the third-party app gains access to their contacts and email addresses. A Google spokesperson has confirmed that the matter has been brought to Google's attention and that the company is currently investigating it. It is the company's recommendation to report these forms as phishing emails within Gmail since the company encourages users to report these forms as phishing messages. 

What are the signs of a legitimate Google email?

It is a dead giveaway when you see strange languages and nonsense website names, and newly registered domain names. Google Docs emails and notifications are sent to victims of the Google Docs email scam in Russian or broken English, which the scammers are targeting. Their task is to collaborate with nonsense-named people to complete the project. Several scam websites are listed within these emails. When you click on one of these links, you will be directed to one, just registered a few days earlier. Some of the many prizes and giveaways make it clickbait for the audience. 

There is a team at Google that is dedicated to addressing abuse issues with scam emails, as well as Google documents. When you want to report abuse about a particular document to Google, you can click the ‘Report abuse/copyright’ button from the menu under ‘Help,' Click 'More' next to 'Reply' to view a list of spam emails. Click 'Report phishing' to send a spam report to Google. 

What is the status of the Google Docs Phishing Email? 

Thousands of victims of the Google Docs email scam reported that the documents used in the scam had been removed from the Google Docs website. Assuming that the security flaw that allowed scammers to generate Google notifications has been fixed, users must stay vigilant when dealing with Google notifications. Scammers have been able to employ inventive ways to conceal their tracks within phishing emails in the days following the pandemic, and since most of us work from home, online scams have quadrupled since that time. 

Please do not open any file that does not come from Google, Gmail, or Dropbox. If you receive a file that does not come from one of these sites, it is phishing, so you should not open it. It is important to remain vigilant and cautious when dealing with ransomware, just as it is when dealing with malware in general.
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Google Docs

Google Email Scam

Phishing Attacks
