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Marna Bay Sands: Data of 665,000 Customers Hacked by Unknown Third Party

Marina Bay Sands has experienced a data leak involving the personal information of 665,000 members of its shoppers’ rewards program.


Singapore is renowned for maintaining stringent cybersecurity and data protection standards in the region. Companies in the country are keenly aware of their responsibility to safeguard cybersecurity, particularly concerning data privacy. In the event of cybersecurity incidents, organizations promptly notify both customers and regulators, implementing swift plans to rectify the situation. 

Recently, Marina Bay Sands (MBS) encountered a data leak involving the personal information of approximately 665,000 members in its shoppers' rewards program, prompting a rapid response from the company.

MBS took immediate action, informing members of its Sands LifeStyle program via email on November 7th about the data leak that occurred between October 19th and 20th. The resort disclosed its awareness of the incident on October 20th and initiated investigations. 

The inquiry revealed that an unidentified third party had accessed the personal data of the affected members. Paul Town, MBS's Chief Operating Officer, reassured members that, as of the investigation's findings, there is no evidence indicating misuse of the data by the unauthorized third party.

The compromised personal data included members' names, email addresses, contact details, country of residence, membership numbers, and tiers. MBS advised affected users to closely monitor their accounts for suspicious activity, change login pins regularly, and stay vigilant against phishing attempts. The company reported the data leak to relevant authorities in Singapore and other applicable countries, collaborating with them in their investigations.

Despite a decline in cybersecurity incidents in Singapore earlier in the year, recent weeks have witnessed an increase in such occurrences. Between the first quarter of 2020 and the first quarter of 2023, data breach statistics in Singapore showed significant fluctuations in the number of exposed records. Besides the MBS data leak, a recent incident involved web service outages in public hospitals and polyclinics due to a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack.

While some might draw parallels between the MBS data leak and recent ransomware attacks on Las Vegas casinos, the situations differ. Unlike the ransomware incidents at Caesars Palace and MGM, MBS did not report any ransom demands. The company asserts that only the personal data of its members was compromised, without any disruption to services. However, the stolen data holds significant value on the dark web. The exact cause of the MBS data leak and whether other data was compromised remains to be determined.
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Marina Bay Sands

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unknown third party