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Here's Why Robust Space Security Framework is Need of the Hour

Satellite systems suffer a wide range of threats, including denial-of-service (DoS) attacks and malware infiltration.


Satellite systems are critical for communication, weather monitoring, navigation, Internet access, and numerous other purposes. These systems, however, suffer multiple challenges that jeopardise their security and integrity. To tackle these challenges, we must establish a strong cybersecurity framework to safeguard satellite operations.

Cyber threats to satellites 

Satellite systems suffer a wide range of threats, including denial-of-service (DoS) attacks and malware infiltration, as well as unauthorised access and damage triggered by other objects in their orbit that hinder digital communications. 

For satellite systems, these major threats can distort sensor systems, resulting in harmful actions based on inaccurate data. For example, a faulty sensor system could cause a satellite's orbit path to collide with another satellite or natural space object. If a sensor system fails, it may result in the failure of other space and terrestrial systems that rely on it. Jamming or sending unauthorised satellite guidance and control commands has the potential to destroy other orbiting space spacecraft.

DoS attacks can lead satellites to become unresponsive or, worse, shut down. Satellite debris fallout could pose a physical safety risk and damage to other countries' space vehicles or the earth. Malware installed within systems via insufficiently secured access points may have an influence on the satellite and spread to other systems with which it communicates. 

Many of the 45,000 satellites have been in service for years and have minimal (if any) built-in cybersecurity protection. Consider the Vanguard 1 (1958 Beta 2), a small, solar-powered satellite that orbits Earth. It was launched by the United States on March 17, 1958, and is the oldest satellite still orbiting the earth.

Given potential risks that satellites face, a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy is required to mitigate such risks. Engineering universities and tech organisations must also work with government agencies and other entities that design and build satellites to develop and execute a comprehensive cybersecurity, privacy, and resilience framework to regulate industries that are expanding their use of space vehicles. 

Cybersecurity framework

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) outlines five critical processes for mitigating common threats, including those related with satellite systems: identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover.


First, identify the satellite data, individuals, personnel, systems, and facilities that support the satellite's uses goals, and objectives. Document the location of each satellite, as well as the links between each satellite component and other systems. Knowing which data is involved and how it is encrypted can help with contingency, continuity, and disaster recovery planning. Finally, understand your risk landscape and any elements that may affect the mission so that you can plan for and avoid potential incidents. This information will aid in the successful management of cybersecurity risk for satellite systems and its associated components, assets, data, and capabilities. 


Using the recently identified data, choose, develop, and implement the satellite's security ecosystem to best protect all of its components and associated services. Be aware that traditional space operations and vehicles typically rely on proprietary software and hardware that were not intended for a highly networked satellite, cyber, and data environment. As a result, legacy components may lack certain security measures. As a result, create, design, and use verification procedures to prevent loss of assurance or functionality in satellite systems' physical, logical, and ground parts, as well as to allow for response to and recovery from cybersecurity incidents. To protect satellite systems, physical and logical components must be secured, access limits monitored, and cybersecurity training made available.


Create and implement relevant actions to monitor satellite systems, connections, and physical components for unforeseen incidents and alert users and applications of their detection. Use monitoring to spot anomalies within space components, and put in place a strategy for dealing with them. Use many sensors and sources to correlate events, monitor satellite information systems, and maintain access to ground segment facilities in order to detect potential security breaches. 


Take appropriate actions to mitigate the impact of a cybersecurity attack or unusual incident on a satellite system, ground network, or digital ecosystem. Cybersecurity teams should inform key stakeholders regarding the incident and its implications. They should also put in place systems for responding to and mitigating new, known, and anticipated threats or vulnerabilities, as well as continuously improving these processes based on lessons learned. 


Create and implement necessary activities to preserve cybersecurity and resilience, as well as to restore any capabilities or services that have been impaired as a result of a cybersecurity event. The objectives are to quickly restore satellite systems and associated components to normal functioning, return the organisation to its appropriate operational state, and prevent the same type of incident from recurring.

As our world continues to rely on satellite technology, cyber threats will emerge and adapt. It is critical to safeguard these systems by developing a comprehensive cybersecurity framework that outlines the way to design, create, and operate them. Such a structure enables organisations to respond effectively to incidents, recover swiftly from interruptions, and remain ahead of potential threats.
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Cyber space

DDOS Attack

Security Framework


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