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LinkedIn Users Targeted in Complex Phishing Scheme

This new campaign highlights the urgent need for better security measures, especially on platforms like LinkedIn.


LinkedIn Users Targeted in Complex Phishing Scheme A concerning security threat has emerged for users of the professional networking platform LinkedIn. Known as the "Microsoft Two-Step Phishing Campaign," this attack involves hackers using compromised profiles to deceive users and steal their sensitive information. 

It Starts With Exploiting Trust 

The attack begins innocently enough, with hackers taking control of LinkedIn profiles that users trust within their professional networks. These profiles appear normal but are actually manipulated by the attackers, who exploit the trust between users and their connections. 

Let’s Understand The Attack Tactic: Two Steps to Success 

The heart of this attack involves two stages. First, hackers combine stolen user accounts with a tricky phishing attack. They use a sneaky program called Snake, which targets not only LinkedIn but also Facebook users. Snake pretends to send legitimate messages but actually tricks users into downloading harmful software. 

Once installed, Snake quietly steals users' browsing data, giving hackers access to their accounts and compromising their security. This method shows how social media platforms, like LinkedIn, can unwittingly help cybercriminals steal important information and breach corporate systems. 

Furthermore, Perception Point's Enterprise Browser Security extension quickly caught a sneaky attack pretending to be Microsoft. It used sophisticated textual and image recognition AI models and found these suspicious key indicators: 

Logo Similarity: It found an image that was almost identical to the real Microsoft logo. 

Favicon Impersonation: The attack tried to fool users by using a small icon that looked like the one Microsoft uses for Outlook. 

Phoney Login Page: The attackers set up a login page that pretended to be from Microsoft. It asked for email addresses and passwords. 

URL Analysis: The extension checked the website's reputation and details like when it was created. It also looked for any weird stuff in the code. 

What It Means for You 

This new campaign highlights the urgent need for better security measures, especially on platforms like LinkedIn. As more people and businesses rely on these sites for networking, they must stay alert to the risks posed by hackers. This incident also shows how cybercriminals are constantly changing their tactics. 

To stay safe, it is essential for users and companies to not only have strong security systems in place but also to educate themselves about potential threats. In response to this growing danger, social media companies and cybersecurity experts must work together to develop strategies to protect users from phishing attacks and other online threats. 
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Perception Point


Social Media attacks