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Hackers Claim Biggest Attack On UAE in History

UAE suffered a data breach, unless a ransom of 150 bitcoins (about USD 9 million) is paid, the threat actor threatened to disclose the data.

Hackers Claim Biggest Attack On UAE in History

The United Arab Emirates government was the target of a significant data breach attack that has the cybersecurity industry on edge. The attacker, who goes by the username "UAE," has not been recognized. Unless a ransom of 150 bitcoins (about USD 9 million) is paid, the threat actor threatened to disclose the data from the purported UAE hack in a post on BreachForums.

Major UAE government organizations including the Executive Council of Dubai, the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation, the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority, and important government programs like and are among the victims of the purported attack. The UAE Space Agency, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of Health and Prevention are among the other ministries impacted.

The threat actor released a few samples, claiming to have access to personally identifiable information (PII) belonging to different government personnel. These samples included the roles, genders, and email addresses of high-ranking individuals.

Hackers exposed samples from the UAE attack

The threat actor purportedly posted screenshots of internal data from multiple prominent government agencies in the United Arab Emirates. The threat actor displayed samples of personally identifiable information (PII) including names, roles, and contact data, claiming to have obtained access to PII of high-ranking government personnel.

The threat actor's purported possession of samples raises questions about the safety of government employees and the integrity of national activities. The hacker's sudden appearance complicates the situation and raises questions about the accuracy of the statements made, but it may also point to a high-risk situation.

Such a compromise might have serious repercussions for public safety, national security, and the UAE's economic stability. The world's cybersecurity community is keeping a careful eye on the events and highlighting the necessity of a prompt and forceful government probe to determine the full scope of the hack and minimize any possible harm.

Experts advise to be cautious with UAE attacks

The hacker's sudden rise to prominence and lack of past experience or evidence of similar actions raises questions about the veracity of the claims.

There hasn't been any independent confirmation of the breach, nor have the UAE government or the impacted agencies addressed these allegations as of yet. For further details on the attacks, the Cyber Express team has gotten in touch with the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) in Dubai.

The vast number of impacted organizations and the type of purportedly stolen data point to a very sophisticated and well-planned operation, which is inconsistent with the image of a lone, inexperienced hacker.

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