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Xapo Bank Aims To Boost Bitcoin Safety With Tech And Bunkers

Currently, Xapo is one of the few fully licensed banks in the world that deals with Bitcoin and other digital assets.


Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous developer of Bitcoin, published the system's whitepaper in 2008, bluntly criticising financial institutions and the confidence they demand. However, in 2010, one of the most notable Bitcoin collaborators in its early days and the recipient of the first Bitcoin transaction in history, cypherpunk and cryptography specialist Hal Finney, predicted the existence of bitcoin banks. Today, bitcoin-native banks such as Xapo Bank exist in this grey area between the ethos and the potential deployment of this system across the global financial sector. 

Finney claims that Xapo Bank, which was founded in 2013, is among the leaders in the custodial space of Bitcoin. Wences Casares, an Argentinean entrepreneur and innovator who is well-known in Silicon Valley for his support of this technology, developed it as a solution for his friends and family. However, it expanded significantly. Currently, it is one of the few fully licensed banks in the world that deals with Bitcoin and other digital assets. 

Its business idea combines cutting-edge Bitcoin technology with a physical bunker in the Swiss highlands. This physical location blends old-fashioned Swiss standards with the latest safety technology. It's an atomic bunker that serves as the foundation of what Xapo provides its clients: high-quality security for digital assets. Xapo is exploring new technical opportunities. The custody business is dominated by multi-signature solutions, but the greatest alternative and security solution for the Gibraltar-registered bitcoin bank is the multi-party computation protocol. On a broad level, MPC enables several parties to share information without fully exposing the shared data. 

In the case of Xapo, this works by breaking the digital asset master private key into several unique fragments known as "key shares," which Xapo Bank has stored and distributed in hidden places around the world, including the Swiss bunker. The MPC protocol ensures that participants' contributions remain private during key creation and signing, without being revealed. This functionality assures that no single participant in the quorum has total access to or control over the stored assets, reducing the chance of collusion to nearly zero. 

"MPC is a much more modern and secure setup compared to a still more popular multi-signature approach. The fact that the private key is not put together at any point in the transaction means there is no moment it can be potentially exposed or hacked, which is not the case with the more traditional multi-sig technology," Xapo Bank's Chief Technology Officer, Kamil Dziubliński, stated. 

However, there are threats and concerns, even with a movie-style bunker and this novel method of securing the keys and transaction signing process. Security threats include hacking and phishing attempts. Financial risks include money laundering, terrorist financing, and various types of financial attacks.
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