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New Tool Circumvents Google Chrome's New Cookie Encryption System

Although the tool delivers what several infostealer operations have done with the malware, its public availability increases the risk for Chrome user.


A researcher has developed a tool that bypasses Google's new App-Bound encryption cookie-theft defences and extracts saved passwords from the Chrome browser. 

Alexander Hagenah, a cybersecurity researcher, published the tool, 'Chrome-App-Bound-Encryption-Decryption,' after noticing that others had previously identified equivalent bypasses. 

Although the tool delivers what several infostealer operations have already done with their malware, its public availability increases the risk for Chrome users who continue to store sensitive information in their browsers. 

Google launched Application-Bound (App-Bound) encryption in July (Chrome 127) as a new security feature that encrypts cookies using a Windows process with SYSTEM rights. 

The goal was to safeguard sensitive data against infostealer malware, which operates with the logged user's access, making it impossible to decrypt stolen cookies without first achieving SYSTEM privileges and potentially setting off security software alarms. 

"Because the App-Bound service is running with system privileges, attackers need to do more than just coax a user into running a malicious app," noted Google in July. "Now, the malware has to gain system privileges, or inject code into Chrome, something that legitimate software shouldn't be doing.” 

However, by September, several infostealer thieves had discovered ways to circumvent the new security feature, allowing their cybercriminal customers to once again siphon and decrypt sensitive data from Google Chrome. 

Google previously stated that the "cat and mouse" game between info-stealer developers and its engineers was to be expected, and that they never assumed that its defence measures would be impenetrable. Instead, they believed that by introducing App-Bound encryption, they could finally set the groundwork for progressively constructing a more robust system. Below is Google's response from the time:

"We are aware of the disruption that this new defense has caused to the infostealer landscape and, as we stated in the blog, we expect this protection to cause a shift in attacker behavior to more observable techniques such as injection or memory scraping. This matches the new behavior we have seen. 

We continue to work with OS and AV vendors to try and more reliably detect these new types of attacks, as well as continuing to iterate on hardening defenses to improve protection against infostealers for our users.”
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