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Russia and China Up Their Cyberattacks on Dutch Infrastructure, Security Report Warns

The Dutch national police announced a breach into officers' personal contact details with thousands of officers being involved.


Dutch security authorities have recorded growing cyber threats from state-affiliated Russian and Chinese hackers targeting organisations in the country. The attacks, mostly to gain access to the critical infrastructure, are seen as preparations for future sabotage and for gathering sensitive information, according to a recent report by the Dutch National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV).

Rise of Non-State Hackers in Support of Government Agendas

The report says cyber attacks can no longer be considered the preserve of state actors: in fact, it turns out that non-state hackers in Russia and China increasingly are joining in. Of course, Russia: for some of the past year's cyber espionage and sabotage, hacktivists--independent hacking groups not officially communicating with the government are said to have conducted parts of this past year. At times, Russian state cyber actors work in conjunction with them, sometimes using their cover for their own operations, sometimes directing them to fit state goals.

China's cyber operations often combine state intelligence resources with academic and corporate collaborations. Sometimes, persons are performing dual roles: conducting research or scientific duties coupled with pushing forward China's intelligence goals. Such close cooperation treads the fine line between private and state operations, introducing an element of complexity to China's cyber strategy.

China's Advancing Sabotage Capabilities

For some years now, Chinese cyber campaigns focused on espionage, particularly those targeting the Netherlands and other allies, have been well known. Recent developments over the past year, however, have found China's cyber strategies getting broader in scope and quite sophisticated. The recent "Volt Typhoon" campaign, attributed to China, was an example of shifting toward actual sabotage, where critical U.S. infrastructure is the chief target. Although Europe is not currently under such threats from Volt Typhoon, the Netherlands remains vigilant based on China's rapid advancements in its cyber capabilities, which will potentially be implemented globally at a later stage.

Cyber/Disinformation Combined Threat

In the Netherlands, there is a national coordinator for security and counterterrorism, Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg, who underscored that cyber threats frequently act as part of an integrated approach, which includes information operations. Coordinated actions are riskier because the cyber attack and digital influence operation come together to compromise security. Aalbersberg indicated that risks need to be balanced collectively, both from direct cyber threats and other consequences.

Recent Breach in Dutch Police Forces Concerns

Earlier this month, the Dutch national police announced a breach into officers' personal contact details with thousands of officers being involved, including names, telephone numbers, and email. The attackers behind this breach are unknown, although it is believed that this incident is "very likely" to be carried out by a state-sponsored group. Still, no country was indicated.

The Dutch government views such heightened cyber hostility as pushing a stronger defensive response from its measures about the cybersecurity fields, particularly since the threats from Russians and Chinese are still multiplying. This scenario now presents strong appeal in asking for added fortifications at international cooperation and greater action in stopping these mounting operations of said aggressive expansions through cyber warfare.

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