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About Me Data Breach Exposes Sensitive Information of Over 3 Million Users

Anyone who's interacted with should keep an eye out on their accounts for anything weird.


A huge data security breach has come to light, with the data platform It's a service that lets organizations build their own proprietary, custom software applications, which don't need heavy programming. According to a blog post by a security researcher, sensitive information from more than three million users' accounts was inadvertently leaked to the internet, leaving an open question of what now?

Jeremiah Fowler, a cybersecurity expert known for discovering unsecured online databases, found a archive with over 3 million records. This archive reportedly contained 1.29 terabytes of data, including very sensitive materials such as invoices, NDAs, email screenshots, and tax documents.

Worryingly, files contained access keys and configurations of two cloud storage systems. These keys, in the wrong hands, could grant hackers access to even more sensitive data.  

What Was Exposed

The exposed database included the following:  

337,434 invoices: The documents comprised transactions between and its clients.

32,810 master service agreements: Most agreements included user names, e-mail addresses, IP details and project estimations of the cost associated with a particular project giving a holistic overview of their sensitive information.  

Such data left unprotected poses grave risks. This information could be used for phishing scams, identity theft, or even financial fraud by criminals. Phishing is the art of making people give up their personal information by claiming to be a trusted person. The presence of cloud storage keys in the database further increases the worry, as this may also open access to more sensitive files elsewhere.

Fowler quickly notified the company, However, the company, in its defense, showed that it could not tighten the database security due to "complexities with dependent systems." It is already a month, and nobody knows if the problem persists.  

Misconfigured databases are one of the constant problems of the digital era. Companies don't realize they have a shared responsibility to secure the data when it comes to cloud services, leaving large repositories of information exposed unintentionally. 

For businesses, this is an important wake-up call regarding comprehensive cybersecurity practices- periodic checks and ensuring the databases are properly secured for users' data protection.

For users, vigilance is key. Anyone who's interacted with should keep an eye out on their accounts for anything weird and be on their toes for phishing scams.

And in this hyperconnected world, security breaches such as this remind us that vigilance is key, too, for companies as much as it is for their users.

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Data Breach


Identity Theft

Sensitive data