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1000+ website hacked by 3xp1r3 cyber army

bangladesh hackers

The famous Bangladesh Hackers group, 3xp1r3 cyber army has defaced more than 1000 websites , as a form of protest against the Innocence of Muslims video.

The hackers claimed that they hacked these websites with in two days. "Protest Aganist the shit movie 'innocense of muslims' created by u.s agencies" Hacker write in the defacement page.

The full list of hacked sites can be found here:

The other Bangladesh hacker group also take part in protest against anti-Islam movie and hacked lot of sites including Bank On Houston, US Department of Agriculture and other sites.

At the time of writing, most of sites are still displaying the message posted by hackers.  The mirror of the defacement can be found here "".

Bangladeshi Hackers warn Indian Hackers

Hackers from the 3xp1r3 Cyber Army are once again threatening Indian hackers, urging them to stop attacking websites from Bangladesh.

“Dear, Indian Hackers We are like storm which is brewing & our shadow like thunder in the distance. No one knows that how capable we are. So, don't do anything more than you are capable of, you will probably be unhappy if we stand against. Don’t Hack Bangladeshi websites again (sic),” Softpedia quoted as hackers saying.

“Don’t worry! Storm is not started yet; just wind blows slowly with a flash of light. Take it as a precaution of a destructive storm.So, guys think twice before facing a storm by crossing the limit otherwise you might be cried.”

They conclude by revealing the fact that their message will also be posted on a number of Indian website they’re about to hack.

80+ Sites Hacked By rEd X - 3xp1r3 Cyber Army

The Hacker known as rEd X from 3xp1r3 Cyber Army back again with fresh attack. The hacker managed to break into over 80 websites and defaced all of them.

The list of impacted sites was published on Pastebin ( , at press time, all of them still weren’t restored.

You can see the mirror of the defacement at zone-h.

Recently, the hacker group defaced around 400 websites after breaching a server belonging to a hosting company. This hacking group is really active in these days and already hack about 3,500+ sites in this month. 

400 websites hacked by 3xp1r3 Cyber Army

The Bangladeshi Hacker group known as '3xp1r3 Cyber Army'  hacked and  defaced around 400 websites after breaching a server belonging to a hosting company.

A representative of the hacker group said that although many of the sites belong to Indian organizations, the breached server is located in Canada.

According to the hacker, there isn’t a specific reason for which the sites have been defaced. They simply did it to demonstrate the lack of security measures.

One of the hackers has revealed that the team is planning to declare cyberwar on a country. They couldn’t reveal the country’s name since the final decision hasn’t been taken yet.

They also plan on releasing their own hacking forum within the next 20 days. The complete list of affected websites can be found here - most of which are still defaced.

Famous Porn Network Hacked By 3xp1r3 Cyber Army

The Bangladeshi Hackers group known as 3xp1r3 Cyber Army hacked famous porn websites and defaced them.

The list of hacked sites are:

At the time of writing this article, sites are not recovered and we are able to see the defacement.

The mirrors for the defaced pages:

Orissa's [India] Biggest Entertainment Site HACKED By rEd X

A Hacker known as "rEd X" , from Bangladeshi 3xp1r3 Cyber Army, defaced the Oribuzz website, considered to be one of the most important entertainment portals in the Indian state of Orrisa (Odisha).

The hackers defaced not only the main site, but also 29 other subdomains hosted on

“Darkness is my life! 3xp1r3 is my group! Hacking is my heart! Defacement is my hobby,” the hackers wrote.

However, if in the past they hacked websites to protest against the Indian Border Security Force, this time they’ve also left a “friendly” message for the site’s administrators, advising them to patch it up.

At the time of writing, all the sites were still defaced.

3xp1r3 Cyber Army hacked 643 Sites

The 3xp1r3 Cyber Army, a Bangladesh hackers group,  continues to protest against the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) and its violent ways. Their latest operation targeted a number of 643 websites that they defaced.

The websites, most likely hosted on a single server, were altered to host the hacktivists’ message.

Apparently, many of the affected sites are from Canada, India and Turkey, but there are also a number of .com domains in the list the hackers published on Pastebin(, which means that the targets could be spread out worldwide.

According to softpedia report, many administrators appeared to be working on restoring their websites, but some of the affected ones still displayed the hackers’ message.

Danish Famous Forum '' hacked by 3xp1r3 Cyber Army

A Bangladeshi Hacker 'rEd X', from 3xp1r3 Cyber Army hacked into the Danish popular Pokemon forum ,

According to Softpedia report, the hacker claims he only wanted to warn the website’s administrators of the vulnerabilities that exposed their assets to malicious operations.

Hackers defaced a number of subdomains, including webmail, mail, rss, and dm2010.

The details of defacement can be found here:

1700+ Indian Sites Hacked By 3xp1r3 Cyber Army

Bangladeshi Underground Hacking Team "3xp1r3 Cyber Army" Hacked 1700+ Indian websites by single click from a Indian Server on 24/04/2012 to Protest against BSF Brutality.

They said on their Defacement page, "This war 'll never end. It's will be continued until BSF (Indian Border Defense Force) stop killing Bangladeshi people on Bangladesh-India Border!"

The hacks were announced on April 24 on a Their official Facebook Group and through a list posted to the programmer website Pastebin ( ) .

The 3xp1r3 Media also said that mass defacement is being completed by using their own mass defacement tools named '3xp1r3 AK 47'. "3xp1r3 AK 47" is a script based most powerful tools invented by 3xp1r3 and we are using many other personal tools like it to continue.

 After Announcing Cyber War between Bangladesh and India, 3xp1r3 Hacked About 10,000+ indian websites. Mirrors can be found here:

Team Grey Hat website hacked by 3xp1r3 cyber army

Bangladesh Hackers group  "3xp1r3 cyber army" hacked into the website belong to TeamGreyHat.  Team Greyhat (TGH) is a hackers community who hacked lot of high profile websites.

"Dear Customer, You know that Joomla and Wordpress Site is hacked by through themes and exploits but we are the cr3ws of 3CA hacks team Greyhat CPanel without any exploit and it is a simple hack for us. And now indians are not underestimate us and see our pow3rwho we are. We accept your challenge and show you our power that never challenge us . One of our admin S1r-3xp1r3 warned you about your bug but you underestimate him. So we show you that you really have a bug :P////:)" Hacker said in defacement page.

Hacked site:


This is not first time the being hacked. In past a hacker called "hunt" hacked into the official forum of Teamgreyhat. It seems that hackers didn't patch their own vulnerability.

1000s of Indian sites Hacked by Bangladeshi hackers - Cyber War

Cyber war between Bangladeshi and Indian hackers was started two days back.  Bangladeshi hackers keep attacking Indian cyber space.

Indishell started the war by hacking around six Bangladeshi websites. Following
that incident Bangladeshi hacker start to give payback and hacked over 500 Indian sites. Today they add some more sites to the list. So far they hacked thousands of Indian sites as part of cyber war.

They hacked several high profile and Indian government sites including All India Radio Allahabad, Set India, Reserve Bank of India(RBI), and National Informatics Centre (NIC) Of India,Highway Police Maharashtra State.

Two Tigers fighting between them, do you know what is the result? Only Innocent website owners from both side are going to suffer. 

Hackers were arrested for hacking Bangladesh Supreme Court Website

Two School kids were arrested by Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) personnel for hacking into the the official website of the Bangladesh Supreme Court on November 11.

Shah Mizanur Rahman alias Raihan, 18, son of Shah Obaidur Rahman and Mohammad Russell Bhuiyan, 16, son of Abdul Kuddus, charged with defacing the supreme court website.

Earlier of this month, a Hacker group called as "3xp1r3 Cyber Army" has hacked the official website of Supreme Court.  The "3xp1r3 Cyber Army" has seven members; one from USA, two from Saudi Arab, one from Kuwait and three from Bangladesh.  According to the report, Raihan and Russell together hacked the Supreme Court website.

The kids said that they hacked the website as part of their adventures through computer and internet technologies.  Interestingly, these two kids were friends through internet,they never met  before the arrest. Hacked and Database Exposed by 3xp1r3 cyber army is hacked by a Hackers team named as "3xp1r3 cyber army".  They exposed the database in pastebin. About 8000 users data is leaked.  The leak contains the password and email of users.

If you are one of the user  and used same password for gmail, immediately change your password now .

Majority of password is 123456, those users may not know about the cyber security.  If you also using simple password like 123456,iloveyou,ilovemom, then you should Check our Security Blog to know about the Interenet Risks and Cyber Security.