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Cyber War : 160 Serbia websites hacked by Anonghost

The Mauritania hacker group AnonGhost claims that Anonymous Squad No.035 lost their Cyber war Against AnonGhost. The hackers defaced more than 150 Serbia websites.

"Anonymous Squad No.035 F**d bY AnonGhost XD !!!!!! they couldn't deface any website of Mauritania , they tried sql injection loool :v we traced the admin and we f***ed their websites country"

The hackers defaced educational websites including,,,, and

"To Anonymous Squad No. 035
Rememeber this, The Team you want to f**k with is AnonGhost and we just want to tell you one thing Lammer go watch cartoons ! and fuck offff :::Listen to justin bieber kidz it's good for education , hacking is dangerous for you :p iihihihihihihi " The hacker said in the defacement message.

The full list of hacked sites with mirror can be found here:

11 Government websites hacked and defaced by AnonGhost

A hacker group calling itself AnonGhost has hacked into 11 Governmemt websites belong to different countries.

"To All Governments of the World, We are watching you , we can see what you're doing , we control you , we are everywhere. Rememeber this, The people you're trying to step on, we are everyone you depend on. "the hacker said in the defacement page.

"We are the people who do your laundry and cook your food and serve your dinner. We make your bed. We guard you while you are sleeping. We drive the ambulances. We direct your calls. We are cooks and taxi drivers, we are everyone you come into contact with on a daily basis. We know everything aboutyou. We process your insurance claims and credit card charges. We control every part of your life. Together we stand against the injustice of corrupt Governments."

Most of the hacked websites are from Bangladesh and few sites from brazil and greek.

The list of hacked sites and mirror can be found here