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Operaatio Screw Talvivaara-Anonymous Finland approved the support of Anonymous

Anonymous Finland planned the operationg named as  Operaatio Screw Talvivaara against the Talvivaara Mining Company. They  approved the support of Anonymous' worldwide Operation Green Rights, a series of actions in defence and safeguard of the environment, and decided to start a spin-off of the same in their country.

 "Talvivaara Mining Company Plc (Talvivaaran Kaivososakeyhtiö Oyj) has been carrying out massive and dangerous mining operations in Eastern Finland so far to the detriment of the local natural environment and people of the communities living off Lake Hakonen and nearby the Talvivaara mine." They said in their official press release.

"We at Anonymous Finland are simply pissed off and decided to join the struggle against Talvivaara: We officially declare war to You and start Operaatio Screw Talvivaara. We stand in solidarity with all the citizens affected by Talvivaara's action and polluting activities and We support them in protesting against this corporate abuse. Anonymous Finland will not stand by idly and let these environmental atrocities continue. This is not the clean energy of the future that we are being promised.

Anonymous Finland will, over the course of the next weeks and months, use the powers We posses to spread attacks on You. We invite all the people of the communities affected by Talvivaara's activities and the rest of the Finnish people to take the protest to Eduskunta and show that You are as mad as hell and You are not going to take this shit anymore."

You can check the full press release here: