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MVS Comunicaciones Hacked by MexicanH Team

The Mexian Hacker group named as "MexicanH" affiliated to Anonymous hacktivists has claimed to have breached MVS Comunicaciones (MVS)- a Mexican Media conglomerate that owns owns MASTV, MVS Radio.

The hacker team announced the attack in Twitter that they hacked MVS comunicaciones , and posted a link to database dump(

The database dump contains more than 3000 usernames, encrypted passwords and email addresses. The data are compromised from 30 different databases. 

Cyber War News analyzed the dump and found that the same email id has been used in different database server; There is around 1700 unique accounts with email ids.

Mexican Anonymous hacked Mexico sites to Protest Against Pope’s Visit

Anonymous Hispano, the Mexican branch of Anonymous group, crashed two Mexican websites in protest of Pope Benedict XVI's upcoming visit. Hackers defaced the websites with a message "Hacked system. The POPE is not welcome, out out".

"Both hacked websites were linked to the Pope's planned visit to the country this Friday through Monday, before the religious leader continues his tour in Cuba. The website of the Achdiocese of Mexico was down for several hours on Tue. March 20 as was the website of the Institute of Communications and Philosophy (Comfil), which is usually devoted to teaching philosophy." IBTimes report says.

"hacked for supporting Benedict XVI "Anonymous Hispano confirmed their cyber attack in their Facebook page.

" The pope's "visit comes precisely at the start of the electoral campaigns," Anonymous Mexico said in a Youtube video . "The PAN will take this as a political weapon to win the votes of millions of Catholics in Mexico."

Last Year , Mexican Anonymous hacked the notorious drug cartels when one of their member were held captive by the Mexican warlords.

"Partido Nueva Alianza" Mexican Site Hacked by Anonymous Hackers

Partido Nueva Alianza (in english "New Alliance Party") site is hacked by Anonymous hackers group. Just yesterday Mexican governor Saturday Ivonne Ortega Pacheco suffered a cyber attack on his Twitter account.

The site is H4cKeD By S1L3X!_4l. They defaced the site with a black background, a video of the group "Anonymous" linked from YouTube and legend of the hacker, who presumed to have taken control of the political party's website.

It was again Hacked By Sector HCV.

They also published about this hack in pastebin:

The pastebin looks like it contains some users info dumped from the database of the hacked site.

Mexican Anonymous wins victory in drug cartel fight

Mexican Anonymous wins victory in drug cartel fight, The Anon who had been kidnapped last month by the Zetas has been released. However, unofficial Anonymous spokesman Barrett Brown says he may yet share an alleged 25,000 Mexican government emails containing the names of Zetas members and associates.

The Anon who had been kidnapped last month by the Zetas has been released, although it appears that the Zetas concerned did not know that the individual was the Anon whose release had been demanded by those who instigated #OpCartel. As such, no bargain has been fulfilled,", says BarrettBrown.

"[The freed Anonymous member] said "If Anonymous unveils any name related to the cartel, the family of the kidnapped Anonymous member will suffer the consequences. For each cartel name revealed, 10 people will be put to death."

Friday morning, Brown changed his tune after he apparently received more information.

"As is now widely known, the kidnapped Anon was indeed known to the Zetas as such, contrary to my reports from last night, during which I was only in sporadic communication with the person's friends. As the Zetas left a note with the person threatening to kill ten civilians for every name published, none of us will be proceeding with those particular names. Nonetheless, several of the 25,000 e-mails are being sent to Der Spiegel for confirmation, and in the meanwhile I will be going after other cartels with the assistance of those who have come forward with new information and offers of assistance." Updated by BarrettBrown.

Report from Pastebin:

Mexican Anonymous Group threatened Mexican drug cartel

The Mexican Anonymous Hackers threatened Mexican cartel Los Zetas. They demanded to release one of their member before November 5, kidnapped from a street protest, Or they will expose identities and addresses of the syndicate's associates, from corrupt cops to taxi drivers, as well as reveal the syndicates' businesses.

""ou made a huge mistake by taking one of us. Release him,", A masked man said in a Video uploaded in YouTube on behalf of Anonymous Group. According to video uploaded , they kidnapped unnamed hacker during a street protest in the Mexican state of Veracruz.

"The Zetas are one of the most notorious of several rival gangs of drug traffickers that have plagued Mexico over recent years. Over recent months, turf wars and escalating attacks have increased the death toll." theregister

YouTube Video(Spanish):

Transcript of Anonymous video:
"Anonymous from Veracruz, Mexico, and the world, we want you to know that a member has been kidnapped when he was doing Paperstorm in our city.

We demand his release. We want the army and the navy to know that we are fed up of the criminal group Zetas, who have concentrated on kidnapping, stealing and blackmailing in different ways. One of them is charging every honest and hardworking citizen of Veracruz who busts their rears working day after day to feed their families.

We are fed up of journalists and newspapers of Xalapa, Córdoba and Orizaba because they are constantly crapping on honest authorities like the army and the navy.

We are fed up with taxi drivers, commanders and "police-zetas" officers of Xalapa, Córdoba, Orizaba, Nogales, Río Blanco and Camerinos... who are chickens and have made themselves the most loyal servants of these (expletive).
For the time being, we won´t post photos or the names ... of the taxi drivers, the journalists or the newspapers nor of the police officers, but if needed, we will publish them including their addresses, to see if by doing so the government will arrest them.

We can´t defend ourselves with a weapon, but if we can do this with their cars, houses, bars, brothels and everything else in their possession ... It won´t be difficult. We all know who they are and where they are.

(Images with sound of explosions)

You made a huge mistake by taking one of us. Release him. And if anything happens to him, you (expletive) will always remember this upcoming November 5th .
Knowledge is free. We are Anonymous. We are a legion. We don't forgive. We don't forget. Expect us."

If Anonymous follows through on its threat to expose details of the Zeta's operations, it will lead to more deaths. Analysts warned the Houston Chronicle that outing cartel members would leave bloggers and others more vulnerable to reprisal attacks by the cartel.