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Romanian Police take 12 Anonymous Romania hackers into custody

12 alleged Anonymous Romania Hackers has been arrested by Romanian Police. DIICOT, the Romanian Organized Crime Unit, raided the house of 12 people in Bucharest, Iaşi, Alba Iulia, Piatra Neamţ, Cluj Napoca, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Arad, Craiova, Reşiţa and Târgu Mureş.

According to Press release, 24-year-old Gabriel Bălăneasa from Piatra Neam, was the leader of the group. His name online nicknames are "lulzcart," "anonsboat," "anonsweb" and "carman."

The group hacked 29 websites by exploiting the SQL injection vulnerability and defaced them. According to the police, hackers used tools such as Havij, SQLMap for the attack.

European Atomic Data site( site hacked by Anonymous Romania

Anonymous Romania hackers group hacked into the official site of Atomic Data and Analysis Structure for Fusion in Europe( Hackers compromised the database by exploiting the SQL Injection vulnerability.

Hackers leaked the research data along with the vulnerable link of the target site and provide instructions to exploit the site vulnerability.

"This is a random workpackage that we’re releasing as a teaser from ‘Atomic Data and Analysis Structure for Fusion in Europe’, to be more precise it is workpackage number 4." Hacker said in the pastebin release.

"That’s pretty much it. and this is what we got from the same database. (ps: scroll at the end of the page to see the vulnerable page where this specific package was hiding. There if you inject it, you will reach the same information and if you want their content you will have to download it directly from the main server aka backtrack –> get//root@access –> data dump. have fun)"