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Showing posts with label Anonymous Sweden. Show all posts

European Atomic Data site( site hacked by Anonymous Romania

Anonymous Romania hackers group hacked into the official site of Atomic Data and Analysis Structure for Fusion in Europe( Hackers compromised the database by exploiting the SQL Injection vulnerability.

Hackers leaked the research data along with the vulnerable link of the target site and provide instructions to exploit the site vulnerability.

"This is a random workpackage that we’re releasing as a teaser from ‘Atomic Data and Analysis Structure for Fusion in Europe’, to be more precise it is workpackage number 4." Hacker said in the pastebin release.

"That’s pretty much it. and this is what we got from the same database. (ps: scroll at the end of the page to see the vulnerable page where this specific package was hiding. There if you inject it, you will reach the same information and if you want their content you will have to download it directly from the main server aka backtrack –> get//root@access –> data dump. have fun)"

Irish Government Website passwords published by Anonymous Hackers

Online hacktivist group "Anonymous" hacked one of the websites run by the Department of Foreign Affairs and published passwords belong to government employees and officials .

Hackers dubbed this operation as "#OpIreland" which targets the websites of Irish governmental agencies in protest at Irish SOPA. They published the username, password and email data belong to 19 accounts in pastebin.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Foreign Affairs said there had been “some unusual activity” on the Irish Aid site, which has since between taken offline by the Department and remains inaccessible this lunchtime.

 Researching the password strength ,we come to know that users use insecure passwords especially "password","Password1" as password.  This clearly shows that people still unaware about the online security risks.

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