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Bangladeshi Hacker Group Targets Multiple Indian News Agencies


An update regarding the cyberattack on Alt News has brought up cybersecurity news in Indian media once more. After focusing on Indian news agency ANI News for a few hours, the threat actor group "Mysterious Team Bangladesh" has now listed the well-known Indian fact-checking website "Alt News" as its latest victim. 

The hacktivist group claims that the purported ANI News and Alt News cyberattacks are a part of their ongoing OpIndia23 campaign against the Indian media for allegedly inciting hatred and false information. 

ANI News is a news organisation with its main office in New Delhi. Mohammed Zubair and Pratik Sinha, two former IT engineers, launched the fact-checking website Alt News, a non-profit organisation in India. 

Both organisations' websites were reachable at the time of writing. A number of cyberattacks on international targets included the claimed Alt News hack. 

Mysterious Team shared the hashtags "opindia23," "counterattack," and "OpTerrorismCountry" along with the Telegram message. The group has accounts on several social media networks and has 1,283 Telegram subscribers. 

The bio for the gang on its Twitter account, where they frequently discuss the specifics of their attacks and victims, reads, "We are cyber warriors of Bangladesh." 

Along with articles on hacking and cyberattacks, the group also publishes the names of other hackers. A name that came up was "_barbby," who according to his biography is a journalist and a human rights advocate. There were two hashtags on the profile: OpIsrael and FreePalestine.

In the bio of another hacker, YourAnonRiots, it was said, "Our mission is global peace." The profile's hashtag was HackThePlanet, which appears to be the case in light of the hacking attacks on numerous government and other organisation websites. Your Anon Story, MCA Ops, and Saudi Exile were the other hackers that had been identified.

In the past 24 hours, the Mysterious Team Bangladesh group has also listed TV7 Israel News, Uniurdu, an Urdu-language news website, and Univarta, a Hindi-language news website, as victims. Furthermore, the hacktivist group also targeted the website of The Press Trust of India.

Along with saying "Expect Us," the organisation also declared that it had attacked the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team. 

The Mysterious Team appears to be a sizable group made up of numerous hackers that use system weaknesses to get access. But nothing is known about their method of attack other than the fact that they effectively shut down the systems and publish screenshots of their hacks on their various social media platforms.

Israel,Peru,Argentina,Bhutan Govt websites Hacked by BGHH

The Bangladesh Grey Hat Hacker group has breached websites from different countries including Israel,Peru,Argentina,Bhutan.

Speaking to EHN, the hacker said the security breach is part of the protest against Israel and support to recent attacks of Anonymous Operation Israel.

The have took control of the 11 Israel sites, 5 Peru Government websites , few Argentina websites, Bhutan Government websites.

The hacked Peru Govt. sites are Luricocha District Municipality (, Lucanas District Municipality(, Chirinos District Municipality(, Municipal Portal Canas Province(,hospital Ventanilla(

Bhutan InfoComm and Media Authority( and MHPA Telephone Directory( are also defaced by the BGHH group.

The hackers also defaced Bhutan Drug Regulatory Authority(, Bhutan National Museum( .

The rest of the affected websites can be found in this link:

Hacked Bangladeshi Police site restored by Bangladesh Grey Hat Hackers

The Bangladeshi hacker group known as "Bangladesh Grey Hat hackers(BGHH) has claimed to have restored two Bangaldeshi Government websites after it got hacked by Pakistani hackers.

BGHH hacked the websites belong to Panchagarh Govt. Girls' High School( and Chittagong Range Police( The hacker defaced those websites and left a security tips to administrators to secure their websites.

"This Web site has been hacked by Pakistani hackers. 's Server has root access to the server and access them. Saitai on any web server that allows the hacker to the server by hand and some government websites, including that of the total 341 websites are hosted. All together, the hacker also deleted the web saitakei diphesa or Truly it. In addition to these important seyararda server hosting the website is not secure and is done emerikaya server location." The hacker said int he defacement page(translated).

The hacker claimed that they are using plain-text passwords and recommended them to use encrypted passwords, also suggested to use SSL.

"We request all the site Admin's to secure their site.. We are always there to secure Bangladeshi Cyber Space..." Hacker said in the email sent to EHN.

At the time of writing, the administrator of School websites has taken the site offline but the Police websites still shows the defacement page(

Around 3000 Indian sites hacked by Bangladesh Cyber Army in Memory of 15-Year-Old Girl

Earlier Today, we reported that more than 1000 Indian sites hacked by Bangladesh Grey hat hackers.  The Bangladesh Cyber Army claims to have defaced around 3,000 Indian websites as a form of protest against the country’s Border Security Force (BSF).

"After exactly one year, Bangladesh Cyber Army is back once again with their attacks on Indian Cyber Space." The hacker said in an email sent to EHN.

"This attacks was inflicting owing to the reason of 7th January, being the day, when a 13 year old Bangladeshi girl was brutally murdered by BSF just 2 years back."

The full list of hacked sites can be found here :

" The website of Paisacontrol which is a supporting website of Indian Stock Exchange has also gone down! Bigger attacks will be coming! " The hackers give a warning.

The hackers uploaded a video on youtube with the title"2nd Bangladesh vs India War"

More than 1400 Indian sites hacked by Bangladesh Grey hat hackers

The Bangladesh hackers from hacker collective known as "Bangladesh Grey Hat hackers(BGHH)", claim to have hacked and defaced more than 1400 Indian website in Memory of 15-Year-Old Girl .

"Today is the first anniversary of the Death of "felani"..
Felani is poor girl from Bangladesh who is brutally kiled by Indian border guards [bsf].." hacker said in an email sent to EHN, .

"On this occasion, we strongly condemn the activity of bsf on our border.They are daily killing our people brutally."

The hacked sites includes The Institute for Development and Communication (IDC) , Tutors Educationa's official website, Software Technology Network, Indian Meridian Security Force, Architect Kerala and more sites.

The mirror of hacked sites can be found here:

20+ Srilankan Government sites hacked by Bangladesh Grey Hat Hackers

More than 20 Government websites of Sri Lanka has been breached and defaced by Bangladeshi hacker group called "Bangladesh Grey hat hackers(BGHH)".

"Some so called hacker from sri-lanka challenged us that Their countries gov site is too much secured & unbreachable" The hacker said in the statement.

The hacker claimed that they defaced 22 government websites to prove them that " No system is Secured from us".

I agree with what BGHH said, you can't assure that system is 100% secure. That's why i usually say "System is 99% secure but hackers always have interest in the 1% vulnerability".

In their statement, the hackers urge Government of Sri-Lanka to increase the security of their site.

At the time of writing, all websites are re-stored by the admin .  The defacement has been mirrored on December 27. 

The list of hacked sites:

Punjab Assembly website hacked by Bangladesh Hackers

A Bangladeshi hacker group has hacked into the Punjab Assembly website and defaced them. The hacker claims that the defacement is payback to Pakistani Hacker Shadow008.

"This Is PayBak To Shadow008 For Hacking Our Bangladeshi Sites!”The defacement message reads. "Dear site Admin, One Pakistani so called hacker, Shadow008 is responsible for this defacement .  "

They threatened that there will be more attack unless the FIA catch the hacker shadow008.

"It was proved earlier that,FIA was unable to arrest this cyber criminal."the defacement message continues. " This criminal was responsible for the defacement of Google Pakistan Pressurize your law enforcement agency to make this criminal busted and let us live in peace and also let us leave u in peace,"

Few minutes after the Bangladeshi hacker defaced the site,a Pakistani hacker 'Prime Shadow' re-defaced the site with a message "“Shan Ahmed waz here, Site Restored, Dont mess with us BanglaDesh…Admin Secure your Site…You can get Access of It from me on my fb ID".

The website has been re-stored and working properly. However, this is not the first time the site is being hacked. Few months back, Indian hacker group IndiShell has defaced the site.

OpIsrael:20 Israeli website's Hacked by Bangladesh Grey Hat Hackers

 The hackers from the Bangladesh Grey Hat Hackers collective have breached and defaced more than 20 Israeli websites.

“How's feeling guys? Remember our name? We are Bangladesh Grey Hat Hackers. We will make your life hell. You have no rights in the cyber space & in the world. You guys are nothing more than a cancerous tumor. We will hit you again & again & again.” The hacker said in the statement.

Last month, they hacked into more than 50 Israeli websites and defaced them with same message.

At the time of writing, most of the sites are not restored.  The list of hacked sites has been listed here:

Bank On Houston hacked by Bangladesh GREY HAT hackers

Bangladesh hackers

The hackers group known as "Bangladesh Grey Hat hackers(BGHH)" protesting against the Innocence of Muslims video by breaching the website belong to Bank On Houston (

"You have insulted and abused Islam and have mocked our beloved Prophet Muhammad,Peace and blessings be upon him by releasing the video 'Innocence of Muslims', for this we will not remain silent! This video was deliberately release not to bring peace and unity but to cause upset and insult amongst Muslims around the world." Hacker said in the defacement page.

" We have hacked your site, not for sabotage, but to show solidarity for Muslim brothers & sisters around the world and to teach you the real message of Islam " Hacker stated as the reason for the attack.

At the time of writing , we are able to see the defacement page. The mirror of the defaced site can be found here "". Hackers also claimed that they will soon release the compromised database.

Bank of Swiss Hacked by Bangladesh Grey Hat Hackers


The famous Bangladeshi Hacker group, Bangladesh Grey Hat Hackers (BGHH), defaced the website of a banking services provider called Bank of Swiss ( .

Hackers also leaked the details of three user account in pastebin( The leak consists of access codes, passwords, usernames, account names and account numbers.

Rotating Rotar informed Softpedia that the website was hacked as a form of protest against Israel, and the killing of Muslims in Burma and Palestine. The collective also protests against the killing of Bangladeshi citizens at the Indian border.

We couldn’t find too many details of the affected company, but it appears to be an organization from Switzerland that offers corporate, personal, commercial and e-banking solutions.

At the time of writing, We are still able to the defacement?!

1700+ Indian Sites Hacked By 3xp1r3 Cyber Army

Bangladeshi Underground Hacking Team "3xp1r3 Cyber Army" Hacked 1700+ Indian websites by single click from a Indian Server on 24/04/2012 to Protest against BSF Brutality.

They said on their Defacement page, "This war 'll never end. It's will be continued until BSF (Indian Border Defense Force) stop killing Bangladeshi people on Bangladesh-India Border!"

The hacks were announced on April 24 on a Their official Facebook Group and through a list posted to the programmer website Pastebin ( ) .

The 3xp1r3 Media also said that mass defacement is being completed by using their own mass defacement tools named '3xp1r3 AK 47'. "3xp1r3 AK 47" is a script based most powerful tools invented by 3xp1r3 and we are using many other personal tools like it to continue.

 After Announcing Cyber War between Bangladesh and India, 3xp1r3 Hacked About 10,000+ indian websites. Mirrors can be found here:

Another Massive Attack on Indian sites by Bangladesh Cyber Army

Bangladesh Cyber Army continues their protest against the Killing innocent people on borders. BCA hacked and defaced over 100 websites in this massive attack.

"Stop hacking Bangladeshi websites and stop all types of access to Bangladeshi Cyber Space completely" Hackers stated as demand in the defacement page. "Stop killing innocent Bangladeshi citizens at BD-India borders"

" Stop Tipaimukh Dam... Sign the 'Teesta Water Sharing Treaty'...Either stop broadcasting of Indian Media in Bangladesh or let Bangladeshi Media enter India... Stop all Anti-Bangladesh activities of BSF and punish all offenders for their deeds against Bangladesh... Last but not the least, India has to stop all activities which go against Bangladesh in any possible way..." They added.

Hackers said they want each and every demands to be fullfilled otherwise they will continue their cyber attack against Indian Cyber space.

The full list of hacked site can be found here:

Here you can the previous cyber attack against Indian site.

30+ websites Hacked by Bangladeshi Grey Hat Hackers(BGHH)

Bangladeshi Grey Hat hackers(BGHH) have invaded into another server; They hacked all sites hosted in that server and defaced.

Hackers posted a message in the defacement " Stop Hacking Bangladeshi Sites, stop arresting Bangladeshi Hackers, Stop Border killing else we will destroy your cyber space.."

"SHAME ON Bangladeshi Politics….Please stop using indian products right now in Bangladesh, and support us " hacker added.

The full list of hacked sites can be found here:

Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd hacked by TeamGreyHat : Cyber War 2.0

TeamGreyHat(TGH) continues their cyber attack against Bangladeshi websites; Today, they hacked into the largest Bank of Bangladesh named as Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd.

Few days back, TeamGreyHat hackers announced that they are going to launch cyber attack on Bangladesh.  As part of the cyber war, they hacked the official website of Bangladesh Stock Market.

Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd( and The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh( has been defaced by Team Greyhat. According to their press release, hackers also hacked into the Bangladesh Parliment website and gained sensitive data sized more than 40GB.

Also TeamGreyHat send a warning message to Bangladesh Cyber Army that reads "Yesterday TGH have broke into the Bangladesh Parliament Network & BD PM Office and gained access over more than 40 GB of sensitive data of BD govt. We are giving BCA 24 hrs to stop cyber-war else those data will be leaked and make available for all to download. "
It seems like its bad time for Bangladesh Cyber Space. This cyberWar is causing lot of damages for Bangladesh.

Another indian server breached by Bangladesh Black Hat hackers

Hacker called as orionshunter from Bangladesh Hackers group BBHH, hacked into the Indian web hosting server( and defaced all hosted websites , as part of the ongoing cyber war between Bangladesh and India.

Hackers listed the defaced sites in pastebin  , the list has around 40 Indian websites.

Few Hacked sites:

The full list can be found here:

"15 Years Innocent Girl Felani Killed by F**** Indian Border Security Force (BSF). STOP HACKING BANGLADESHI SITES, STOP ARRESTING BD HACKERS, STOP BORDER KILLING ELSE WE WILL DESTORY YOUR CYBER SPACE"Hacker said in the defacement.

BBHH Hacked Indian Bareilly City Information server

Bangladeshi Black Hat hackers(BBHH) group continue their protest against BSF killings.  As part of the protest, they have hacked another Indian based server and defaced all websites of that server.

The site Indian Bareilly City Information server and its ten subdomains that range from the accomodation to jobs sites. The defacing has very explicit content and language and can be seen below.

Hacked sites:


Team Grey Hat website hacked by 3xp1r3 cyber army

Bangladesh Hackers group  "3xp1r3 cyber army" hacked into the website belong to TeamGreyHat.  Team Greyhat (TGH) is a hackers community who hacked lot of high profile websites.

"Dear Customer, You know that Joomla and Wordpress Site is hacked by through themes and exploits but we are the cr3ws of 3CA hacks team Greyhat CPanel without any exploit and it is a simple hack for us. And now indians are not underestimate us and see our pow3rwho we are. We accept your challenge and show you our power that never challenge us . One of our admin S1r-3xp1r3 warned you about your bug but you underestimate him. So we show you that you really have a bug :P////:)" Hacker said in defacement page.

Hacked site:


This is not first time the being hacked. In past a hacker called "hunt" hacked into the official forum of Teamgreyhat. It seems that hackers didn't patch their own vulnerability.

"Why Bangladesh Cyber Army Attack on Indian Cyber Space" says BCA

The news of Bangladesh Cyber army attack on Indian website swarmed everywhere in the cyber space. While we(EHN) provide the latest update of the cyber war, some media-news sites, newspapers, TV channels have been posting news which are totally false and based on absolutely nothing.

BCA worried about these false news and said " Publishing of all these false news will only harm the people and create confusion."

Here, BCA present you the reason of the whole war:
"Bangladesh Cyber Army, being the biggest hacking and security group of Bangladesh could not but stand against the Indians when it came to killing innonect Bangladeshi people at the India-Bangladesh borders. Many people have been killed in the border zone for no good reason, with no evidence against them. We cannot tolerate killing of our people with any strong reason with inhuman torture at any cost. Besides, the attack of Indian hackers on Bangladeshi sites has forced us to act. So we put forward some demands for the greater good of the nations which are as under
( ) :-"

1. Stop hacking Bangladeshi websites and stop all types of access to Bangladeshi Cyber Space completely...
2. Stop killing innocent Bangladeshi citizens at BD-India borders...
3. Stop Tipaimukh Dam...
4. Sign the "Teesta Water Sharing Treaty"...
5.Either stop broadcasting of Indian Media in Bangladesh or let Bangladeshi Media enter India...
6. Stop all Anti-Bangladesh activities of BSF and punish all offenders for their deeds against Bangladesh...
7. Last but not the least, India has to stop all activities which go against Bangladesh in any possible way...

We do not mean to do much harm to anyone in any way.
This does not mean we cannot we harsh or strict.

If you had doubt about what we are capable of doing, those must have been cleared of after seeing the following sites shut-down by us :

These are only few of the sites, there are more thousands of them

You can check the rest of hacked site list here:

The reason for cyber attack on Indian Stock market website:
War is something we never wanted before, we don't want now, we won't even want it in the future. But it is for everyone to judge, weren't our backs against the wall?
Indian stock exchange sites were hacked because, after we put forward the demands, there was another death at the India-Bangladesh borders by BSF. These two videos had been posted in Youtube regarding this-

Bangladesh cyber army concluded that "We never wanted to do all these....We are not linked with any political entity or religious organization....We are just a group of people who want proper justice to be served."

Bangladesh Cyber Army request all media "Please do not post any news without being sure about them. Ask for evidence before posting them and judge them well. Only you can present our messages to the Government. So, please, help us stop border killing by supporting us."

We are Bangladesh Cyber Army.
United as a single ONE,
Divided by Zero.
Don't expect forgiveness,
Don't expect to be forgotten.
India, Here we come. taken down by Bangladesh Black Hat Hackers(BBHH)

We are not sure whether it is fourth or fifth time, India's No. 1 Telecommunications Services Provider , BSNL(Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd) website has been targeted by Hackers. 

In past Pakistani hackers defaced the main page of BSNL website , also leaked customers details in public. Now Bangladesh Black Hat Hackers attacked the BSNL website with Distributed denial of service attack(DDOS).

The media report says, the website is not available for few days.  Today, When we try to load the site , it took long time and finally says 'the webpage is not available' ,which may suggest that officials take the site offline for patching the vulnerability.

Bangladeshi Hackers take down lot of Indian website in ongoing cyberwar against India including Indian stock Market ,NDTV and some other high profile sites.

Indian Stock Market under massive cyber attack by Bangladesh cyber army

Protesting the killing of another innocent Bangladeshi citizen, Bangladesh Cyber Army released a Youtube video mentioning their next attack would be on Indian Stock Market. The news about the previous video can be found here-

Just as said, Bangladesh Cyber Army has attacked Indian Stock Market sites. 3 websites were attacked. The sites are-

The websites were down during the peak hour. So all types of online transaction was off. The sites faced DDoS attacks and were down for around 10 hours. This caused a huge amount of loss in the financial sector of India. The amount of loss may reach millions of rupees as well.

Bangladesh Cyber Army mentioned that they are still not done. They will continue their attacks if BSF does not stop their brutality over innocent Bangladeshi citizens. They also mentioned that these high-profile sites will suffer continuous attacks if the points mentioned by them are not accepted. Bangladesh Cyber Army has released another video in Youtube regarding this which can be seen here-