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Showing posts with label Bogus Softwares. Show all posts

Malware campaign targeting Opera Mobile

Zscaler security reseachers come across hundreds of links targeting Opera Mobile users to trick them into installing a malware on their device. The link redirect to another Russian domain, where users are warned that browser is out of date.

"WARNING! An update your browser!
Your browser version is outdated, your phone is at risk of infection by dangerous virus!
We strongly recommend that you upgrade your browser. To update, click Update." The phone message reads(translated).

To trick users, they page uses Google Chrome favicon and same themes and icons as Opera Mobile. The source code has multiple references to Opera (CSS, links, etc.) and targets WAP-enabled devices.

Users who click on the refresh button are presented with a jar file "browser_update.jar", which is downloaded and installed. This type of malware is very common on mobile devices. They are used for spam or contact surcharged phone numbers.

Fake "Web Player" tricks users into signing a check in blank

A fake online player called Web player may look harmless but it leads users to a fake webpage that request users to fill financial details.

Bitdefender security expert come across a bogus player that comes with End user License agreement(EULA) and other data to dupe users into believing that it is legitimate one.
Once application installed in your system, it will prompt users to login with an email address and password. Once you entered the details, you will be redirected towards an html page that allegedly offers free of charge movie online player for a variety of classics and new releases.

"The html page is not always the same. Bitdefender has identified more than half a dozen of them by now. Apparently the crooks built several such sites; in case one is blocked by antivirus vendors, there is another one up." Researcher said .

When you finish registering, the page will request you to enter credit card data. If you mistakenly entered the data, it will be stored in crook's server. In future, cyber criminals will use user credit card to take money without your consent.

Bogus Flash Player tricks users into sending SMS to premium-rate number

Malware city Blog recently reported about a new malware that masquerade as Flash Player update. Malware writers developed the malware such that it will look like the genuine product. While installing the software , it ask users enter personal information( country of origin, cell service provider,..). For Russia customers, it asks to enter the cell phone number.

Malware City said the wizard requires users during the installation process to send a code to a premium-rate telephone number in return for an activation key.

The approach is similar to the most popular con targeting smartphones these days.

"So while most people around the world are conned into paying extra charges for a free piece of software, Russian victims only face the dangers of having their phone numbers logged in to a database for further campaigns that probably use vishing (voice phishing) to inflict more financial damage," report says.

Malware city recommends users to shut off their mobile phones , if the bogus softwares attempts to dial number.

In the case of premium-rate SMS senders, the malicious code takes the guise of legitimate applications or a pirated version of a popular legitimate one to trick the users into downloading and installing them on their systems.