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Google Aims to Expand Bug Bounties to its Open Source Projects

What is OSS VRP Initiative

Google is planning to give out cash rewards for information on vulnerabilities found in any of its open source projects as a part of an undergoing attempt to strengthen the security of its open source code. The latest Open Source Software Vulnerability Rewards Program (OSS VRP), which adds to Google's Vulnerability Rewards Program, was declared in a blog post recently. 

According to DarkReading "Google has already offered bounties for bugs in its Chrome browser and the Android mobile operating system, both of whose base code are managed as open source projects. The company paid out $2.9 million to 119 researchers for their reports of vulnerabilities in Android, with the highest reward hitting $157,000. Similarly, the company paid $3.3 million to 115 researchers for finding bugs in Chrome in 2021."

Google pays if you find the bug

Google is willing to pay experts up to $31,337 for giving details on vulnerabilities in open source software programs-specifically those administered by Google- that affect the firm's services and software. 

Google's aim is to protect its own software supply chain, but since many non-Google developers use the company's open source software- like Go programming language and Angular Web framework- the initiative assures to promote securing the wider open source ecosystem too. 

Initially, Google will emphasize critical and most widely used projects, Francis Perron says, who's an open source technical program manager at Google. He wants to provide a high-quality bug-hunting experience, so Google picked projects with enough maturity in their response and processes to test this program. 

The project aims to secure the software supply chain

Widening the scope will happen after Google compiles enough internal data and assures that it can scale up without ruining the projects and experts. Protecting the software supply chain is now a crucial thing for technology firms and policymakers. 

Earlier this year, the Biden administration met with open source organizations and technology firms to explore new ways to promote secure coding, finding more bugs, and speed patching of open source projects. 

In 2021, Google pledged to invest $10 Billion over five years, the favorite effort by the OpenSSF, bringing a cybersecurity advisory group and supporting its Invisible Security zero trust initiative. 

Google is proud to both support and is a part of the open-source software community. Through our existing bug bounty programs, we’ve rewarded bug hunters from over 84 countries and look forward to increasing that number through this new VRP, said Google. 

Cross Site Scripting Bugs Identified in Google Cloud and Play


A security researcher recently discovered a pair of vulnerabilities in Google Cloud, DevSite, and Google Play allowing hackers to launch cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, and creating the way for account hacking. 

The first vulnerability is a reflected XSS flaw in Google DevSite. The hacker could exploit the vulnerability by employing malicious links to run JavaScript on the origins and, meaning a malicious actor could read and alter its contents, circumventing the same-origin policy. 

“Due to a vulnerability in the server-side implementation of part of the URL was reflected as html so it was possible to get XSS on the origins using that component from the 404 page,” researcher ‘NDevTK’, explained in a blog post. 

The second vulnerability is a DOM-based XSS on Google Play. DOM-based XSS vulnerabilities usually arise when JavaScript takes data from an attacker-controllable source, such as the URL, and passes it to a sink that supports dynamic code execution, such as eval() or innerHTML. This allows hackers to implement malicious JavaScript, which typically paves a way to hijack other users’ accounts.

The researcher explained in his blog that the CSP would mitigate the Google Play XSS vulnerability. Yet, Google still preferred to reward the bug discovery with a hefty bounty of $3,133.70 for the DevSite bug and $5,000 for the vulnerability in Google Play. 

“On the search page of [the] Google Play console vulnerable code was run when the search resulted in an error. Getting an error was simple as doing /?search=& and because window.location includes the hash which never encodes ' it’s possible to escape the href context and set other html attributes. Unlike the DevSite XSS this is prevented by the CSP but was still awarded more by the panel,” the researcher added. 

Last year in November, a researcher at Persistent System unearthed cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Chrome’s ‘New Tab’ page (NTP) that allowed hackers to run arbitrary JavaScript code. The hackers exploited the vulnerability by sending an HTML file to the target that contained a cross-site request forgery (CSRF). 

If the target opened the file, the CSRF script started operating and the query was stored in the browser’s search history. When the user opened an NTP for a second time and clicked on the Google search bar, the malicious code was triggered.

HackerOne Employee Stole Data From Bug Bounty Reports for Financial Advantages


HackerOne has revealed information on a former employee who it alleges accessed company data for personal financial benefit. The unknown individual received information from bug bounty platform security reports and attempted to reveal the same vulnerabilities outside of the site. 

According to HackerOne, he had access to the data between April 4 and June 23, 2022. On June 22, 2022, HackerOne was notified of the problem by a suspicious client who had received similar bug reports from the platform and the person. 

“This is a clear violation of our values, our culture, our policies, and our employment contracts,” the platform stated. 

“In under 24 hours, we worked quickly to contain the incident by identifying the then-employee and cutting off access to data. We have since terminated the employee, and further bolstered our defences to avoid similar situations in the future.” 

According to HackerOne, the submitter of this off-platform disclosure "reportedly used intimidating language in conversation with our customer," and the actor's intent was to collect more bounties. HackerOne also stated that, after consulting with lawyers, it will determine if a criminal referral of this situation is necessary. 

A HackerOne spokesperson informed The Daily Swig: “Since the founding of HackerOne, we have honoured our steadfast commitment to disclosing security incidents because we believe that sharing security information is essential to building a safer internet. 

“At HackerOne, we value the trusted relationships with our customers and the hacking community. It’s important for us to continue to demonstrate transparency as a core tenant of Corporate Security Responsibility and therefore shared this Incident Report.” 

The spokesperson added: “Our Code of Conduct sets the foundation for building trust. We will continue to prioritize coordinated disclosure and to act fast to ensure we uphold these strong standards.”

LockBit 3.0: Launch of Ransomware Bug Bounty Program


The "LockBit 3.0" ransomware update from the LockBit ransomware organization features the first spyware bug bounty program, new extortion methods, and Zcash cryptocurrency payment choices. After two months of beta testing, the notorious gang's ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) operation, which has been operational since 2019, recently underwent an alteration. It appears that hackers have already employed LockBit 3.0.

Bug bounty plan for LockBit 3.0 

With the launch of LockBit 3.0, the organization launched the first bug bounty program provided by a ransomware gang, which asks security researchers to disclose bugs in exchange for incentives that can go as high as $1 million. In addition to providing bounties for vulnerabilities, LockBit also pays rewards for "great ideas" to enhance the ransomware activity and for doxing the operator of the affiliate program, identified as LockBitSupp, which had previously posted a bounty plan in April on the XSS hacking site.

"We open our bug bounty program to any security researchers, ethical and unethical hackers worldwide. The compensation ranges from $1,000 to $1,000,000," reads the page for the LockBit 3.0 bug reward. The notion of initiating the criminal operation would be against the law in many nations, however, makes this bug reward scheme a little different from those frequently utilized by respectable businesses.

LeMagIT claims that version 3.0 of LockBit includes several other improvements, such as new methods for data recovery and monetization, as well as the option for victims to choose to have their data destroyed, and the ability for victims to make payments using the Zcash cryptocurrency in addition to Bitcoin and Monero. 

LockBit is producing outcomes. In May, LockBit 2.0 succeeded Conti as the leading provider of ransomware as a service. The gang's previous ransomware, LockBit 2.0, was to be blamed for 40% of the attacks that NCC Group observed in the preceding month. Moreover, according to Matt Hull, worldwide lead for strategic threat intelligence at NCC, The most prolific threat actor of 2022 is Lockbit 2.0,  In times like these, it's imperative that businesses become familiar with their strategies, methods, and processes.

It is unclear how this new extortion technique will operate or even whether it is activated because the LockBit 3.0 data leak site currently does not have any victims. With its public-facing manager actively interacting with other malicious actors and the cybersecurity community, LockBit is one of the most prolific ransomware campaigns.

Bug Bounty Hunter Finds Google Drive Integration Vulnerability

Implementation vulnerabilities in Google Drive integrations created various server-side-request-forgery (SSRF) flaws in various applications, say cybersecurity experts. It also includes Dropbox's HelloSign, a digital signature platform, however, the latest SSRF was gained by CRLF and asks pipeline in other, anonymous applications, says Bug Bounty hunter Harsh Jaiswal. Jaiswal won a bounty reward of $17,576 for a basic but important SSRF associated with HelloSign's Google Drive Docs export feature. 

If one uses an extra parameter in Google Drive API, it is possible for experts to compelled HelloSign for parsing external JSON data that leads to an SSRF attack. Dropbox has updated the parser securely making a request mitigating the flaw. 

The implementation issues surfaced in integrations that retrieved files from Google Drive API in the servers. To explain the issue, Jaiswal laid out a situation where an app collects and renders an image file in Google Drive in a way that allows hackers to gain control of HTTP requests made to Google APIs via file ID. A user can make a path traversal, adding query parameters. 

The Daily Swig reports "Jaiswal began the research in 2019 after speculating that he might be able to get an open redirect on Google APIs, but this turned out to be unviable. However, he found another route to SSRF. Because the alt=media parameter served the entire file rather than the JSON object, when the application parsed the JSON and extracted downloadUrl, attackers could gain control over downloadUrl." A payload consisting of a malicious JSON element download Url. 

The SSRF through CRLF and pipeline was discovered on a private bug bounty competition and linked to Google Drive slides retrieval. Only the path traversal technique worked and not the query parameters. "Using this I was able to craft a new request to with my controlled query params using request pipelining. If there’s a custom implementation of [Google Drive] and no sanitization is done it could cause this bug," reports the Daily Swig.

Live XSS Flaw Exists in DMCA-dot-com


The user interface of the takedowns website DMCA-dot-com has an active cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability. It's been there for almost a year and has not been addressed. 

After more than a year of attempting and failing to convince DMCA-dot-com to take the XSS seriously, Infosec researcher Joel Ossi, founder of Dutch security firm Websec, disclosed his findings. "I registered at DMCA at first with an intention to protect my own website," he blogged, explaining that he found unescaped free-text entry boxes in the DMCA user interface that allowed him to create an XSS. 

A copyright takedown service is DMCA-dot-com. Users pay the site to conduct the time-consuming task of obtaining an alleged copyright infringer's work to be removed from the Internet utilising the infamous US Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The cost of a takedown could be as high as $199. 

On a video conference with The Register, Ossi shared his findings in real-time. The typical XSS tell-tale — a popup with a personalized message – displayed every time he navigated to a new webpage in the DMCA-dot-com user area. The script for doing so was actually fairly straightforward: When he originally discovered the flaw in late 2020, he spent a year attempting and failed to obtain the attention of the operators of DMCA-dot-com. 

DMCA-dot-last com's message to Ossi stated, "Our development team will be reaching out if / when they need to. Our support department cannot help you on this," as he tried to persuade helpdesk staff to forward his vulnerability report. When he asked for a bug bounty, El Reg confirmed that Ossi had made complete confidential disclosure of his discoveries before addressing the issue of payment.

Both Ossi and The Register attempted to contact DMCA-dot-com several times and in The Register's instance, the company didn't even respond to the attempts to reach them. While Ossi was the first to discover the XSS flaws in DMCA-dot-com, he isn't the only one. Two different entries on the Open Bug Bounty site, one from April and the other from June, indicate XSS vulnerabilities in DMCA. 

Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities, let a malicious person run scripts on another person's website. The problem often exists because free text entry forms do not sanitize user inputs, as per MITRE. An attacker could gain access to a DMCA-dot-com account by extracting active login tokens from cookies. According to Ossi, it wouldn't take much to falsely bill for services, remove DMCA-dot-com's security features from a webpage, or delete an account. 

Jake Moore, a global cybersecurity advisor to infosec firm ESET, told The Register: "Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities can allow an attacker to masquerade as a standard user and carry out any actions that the user is able to perform such as access the user's data. User accounts can then ultimately be compromised and credentials or other information could be stolen with great ease." 

Immersive Labs' app security specialist Sean Wright further added: "Despite the fact they have been a part of the attacker toolkit for some time, many still underestimate the risks from XSS vulnerabilities. However, they are effectively client-side remote code execution vulnerabilities. In the right circumstances, and combined with tools such as the Browser Exploitation Framework, XSS vulnerabilities give an attacker almost complete control of a browser. Ultimately, this could lead to redirects to malicious sites and even performing actions on behalf of the user."

It's anticipated that someone at DMCA-dot-com pays attention to the flaw disclosure from a year and a half ago.

Apple Awards Bounty of $100,500 for Finding Flaws in MacBook

In 2021, Apple patched a set of MacOs vulnerabilities exposing the Safari browser to attack and letting threat actors hack users' online accounts, cameras, and mic. Cybersecurity expert Ryan Pickren, who found these vulnerabilities and reported back to company Apple, was given a $100,500 bug bounty, considering the critical scale of the vulnerabilities. These bugs exploit a set of security issues with iCloud sharing and Safari 15. 

It allows the hacker to control multimedia permissions and gain full access to all sites that the user has opened using the Safari browser. It also includes Gmail, iCloud, PayPal, and Facebook accounts. The problem is primarily concerned with ShareBear, it is an iCloud file-sharing platform that prompts users to open a shared document. Pickren noticed that the prompt doesn't ask the user to open a file after a user opened it once. 

Pickren concluded that this can allow a threat actor to play with the file's components if he has access to the files. "ShareBear will then download and update the file on the victim's machine without any user interaction or notification. 

In essence, the victim has given the attacker permission to plant a polymorphic file onto their machine and the permission to remotely launch it at any moment," explains Pickren in his writeup. In simpler terms, a .PNG format image file can have all its content and extension converted into an executable binary ("evil.dmg") once the user has opened the file. 

After this, one can launch the binary, which triggers exploit chain vulnerabilities that influence extra bugs found in Safari to control a system's mic and camera and steal local files stored in the device. It is not the first time Pickren disclosed bugs in iOS and macOS that allows a threat actor to gain access to a system and control its commands. 

The unauthorized access is gained when the victim opens a certain file type. He says "this project was an interesting exploration of how a design flaw in one application can enable a variety of other, unrelated, bugs to become more dangerous."

New Safari Vulnerability Could have given Attackers Access to Your Mac Webcam


Apple has awarded a cybersecurity student $100,500 (roughly Rs 75,54,000) in bounty rewards for finding a bug in Apple’s macOS, which enabled malicious actors to access the victims’ logged-in online accounts and even get into their webcams. 

Ryan Pickren, reported the flaw to Apple last summer, and was patched earlier this month. Pickren is no stranger to Apple bugs, as he uncovered an iPhone and Mac camera vulnerability earlier in April 2020. Now, he has exposed another Mac webcam bug that allows attackers to breach into the device and access sensitive user information. 

According to a report by AppleInsider, this Apple Mac webcam bug was related to a series of issues with iCloud and Safari browser. 

The vulnerability grants the hacker "full access to every website you've visited in Safari, meaning that if you're visiting my evil website on one tab, and then your other tab, you have Twitter open, I can jump into that tab and do everything you can from that screen. So, it does allow me to fully perform an account takeover on every website you visited in Safari," Pickren explained in a blog post. 

According to Pickren, it all began with exploiting the Safari browser (Safari v15 when he attempted this) and gaining access to the webarchive files. Webarchives are local storage for the Safari browser where it saves local copies of websites to open them faster. This wouldn’t be a problem, were it not for the simple fact that the downloaded files could later be altered by the author. So, a victim could download an innocent .PNG file, only to have it transform into a malicious webarchive file. 

“In essence, the victim has given the attacker permission to plant a polymorphic file onto their machine and the permission to remotely launch it at any moment. Yikes. Agreed to view my PNG file yesterday? Well, today it's an executable binary that will be automatically launched whenever I want,” Picker explained in a further blog post.

To open the webarchive file, Pickren further explains, he needed to bypass the Gatekeeper restriction, which turned out to be relatively simple. He used a fileloc to point to a local app (a technique known as Arbitrary File Execution) which was a great example of how even with macOS Gatekeeper enabled, an attacker could trick approved apps into performing malicious tasks 

Typically, researchers disclose the exploits after the company has fixed the issue, which explains why Pickren is posting about this now. The reason is to ensure that the flaw is patched before attackers can start exploiting it.