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Successful Defcon chennai meeting on January 2012

I am glad to inform about "Defcon chennai january 2012" meet's success. Indian security Experts and journalists participated in this meeting.Security experts have explained advanced ethical hacking topics.

Mr. Aditya Gupta explained about android hacks and security . The topic covers basic of android, reversing APK, Android malware and exploits.

Mr.Hari krishna, one of Defcon organizer, explained about information gathering using Maltego. He explained how attacker collect your confidential data , how you can secure your data .

Mr.Ravikumar gave a very good speech about attacks on Social Network sites(SNS). He explained about scams ,Carberp malware , how you can be secure .

Some other experts covered fuzzing, symlinking ,GPRS hacks and DoS Attacks topics.
Stay tune we are updating

Book The Tickets for DEFCON Chennai January Meet 2012

As i said before, DEF-CON chennai next meeting is going to held on 29th January 2012.

[ Tickets for the Meet]
  • For General Public : 700 INR
  • For Students: 600 INR

To book the tickets mail to

[ Time of the Meet ]
On 29th January 2012
From 2 PM to 7 PM

Do make sure that your at the venue by 1:45 PM

[ Venue of the Meet ]
The Venue is going to be at Le Waterina Hotel, a 4 Star Resort.

Le Waterina – The Boutique Hotel
No 35 Kaveri Nagar (near Bella Ciao)
Waterland Drive,Thiruvanmiyur
Kottivakkam Beach.Chennai 600041.

The DC602028 aka DEF-CON Chennai Group is a group located at Chennai in India. The DC group was created on December 2010 from then DEF-CON Chennai had been the platform for Internet and Mobile security.DEF-CON Chennai is for everyone,we don’t have any Rules and Regulation for our members.

DEF-CON Chennai Next Meeting on 29th January 2012-Call For Papers

 DEF-CON Chennai Next meeting scheduled on 29th January 2012. The DC602028 aka DEF-CON Chennai Group is a group located at Chennai in India. The DC group was created on December 2010 from then DEF-CON Chennai had been the platform for Internet and Mobile security.DEF-CON Chennai is for everyone,we don’t have any Rules and Regulation for our members.

DC602028 is here to help you learn new things, meet new people, having entertainment, it’s all in one package. Dc602028 does not intend to compete with any other Computer related groups.

We are a registered DEF-CON group, you can find our name listed on DEF-CON Website on groups.

Call For Paper
We require uniqueness when it comes to Paper submission for DEF-CON Chennai DC602028.

Uniqueness as Follows:
  • Papers can be on your own research with proof of concept.
  • Paper should be of current subject and not more than 1 year old.
  • Topics of interest includes everything related to Security.
  • Topics related to mobile security or any mobile operating system.
  • Any new methods of hacking or any 0day/tool disclosure.

Few Sample Topics:
  • New and Existing threats faced by Internet users
  • Penetration Testing and security assessment
  • Mobile security and Mobile Application
  • Grid and Cloud Security
  • Denial of Service attack
  • Cryptography and Steganography
  • Forensics & IT crimes
  • Webapp Vulnerabilities
  •  Online Fraud and Social Engineering

**The above are just sample, the Paper can be of any topic related to security.**

Your submission must contain the following information.

Please send your paper to
1. Author name
2. Title of the Paper
3. Email Address
4. Mobile Number
5. Provide Supporting Materials for your paper in form of PDF or Links
6. Presentation Format must be in PDF for submission.

PS: Presentation should not exceed more than 20 minutes

Further Information on Dates:
  • Paper submission last date : 15 January 2012
  • Notification of paper Acceptance : 16 January 2012
  • Paper Presentation : 29 January 2012

Venue Details:
Le Waterina – The Boutique Hotel ( a 4-star resort)
No 35 Kaveri Nagar (near Bella Ciao)
Waterland Drive,Thiruvanmiyur
Kottivakkam Beach.Chennai 600041.

Timing: from 2 PM to 7 PM

Next DEFCON Chennai Meeting on January , 2012

Next DEF-CON Chennai Meeting is scheduled at the end of January ,2012(Due to lot of people having exams and semester during the months of October, November and December.). The 4th edition of our meet will be really big, we will be having more than 7 speakers and it's still counting.

We have planned for discounts for the people who are coming in teams and even T-shirts for DEF-CON Chennai is also been planned.

This time , i am also coming to the meeting.

DEF-CON Chennai September 2011 Meet ~a Huge Success.

DEF-CON Chennai (DC602028) Meet held on On 11th September 2011.

List of Speakers

1) Abhinabd

2) Viknesh

3) Ravi Kumar

4) Aditya Gupta

5) Rahul Tyagi

6) Sophan

7) Suman

Organizers are Hari Krishna and Viknesh

Some of Photos from Album:

For Full Album:

Call for Papers from DEF-CON Chennai (DC602028)


We are the Official DEF-CON Chennai Group [DC602028]

The Event is taking place on 11th September 2011 at a resort in ECR Road Chennai,India.

We will be having a Private conference room for the meet.

Regarding Paper Submission

We require uniqueness when it comes to Paper submission for DEF-CON Chennai DC602028.

Uniqueness as Follows:

-> Papers can be on your own research with proof of concept.
-> Paper should be of current subject and not more than 1 year old.
-> Topics of interest includes everything related to Security.
-> Topics related to mobile security or Anroid Security .
-> Any new methods of hacking or any 0day/tool disclosure

some of the Sample Topics

= New threats faced by Corporates

= Threats faced by Normal user from a Malicious person

= Mobile security and Mobile Application

= Denial of Service attack

= Cyber laws

= Forensics

= Webapp Vulnerabilities

= Online Fraud and Social Engineering

Your submission must contain the following information.

Please send your paper to

1. Author name

2. Email Address

3. Mobile Number

4. Brief Biography

5. Title of the Paper

6. Provide Supporting Materials for your paper in form of PDF or Links

7. Presentation Format must be in PDF or PPT

PS: Presentation should not exceed more than 20 minutes

Further Information on Dates:

Paper submission last date   : 3 September 2011

Notification of paper Acceptance : 5 September 2011

Paper Presentation         : 11 September 2011

For updates Check our Blog

Please send your paper to