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Hackers deface the website of the Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan

On November 20, websites of some organizations including government websites were affected by a cyber attack.

A hacker from Bangladesh goes by an online handle "Skidie KhaN", a member of the hacking group called " Cyber Command0s(#Team_CC)" modified the main page of the websites of the Ministry of Justice. According to the local report, the defacement message said that the website was hacked by the hacker "Skidie KhaN".

In addition,the websites of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, Attorney General's office and the Ministry of the Economy were also under the cyber attack.

The Information Security Center of Uzbekistan declined to comment on the situation.

The consequences of cyber attacks on the websites of several government agencies of Uzbekistan is said to be eliminated. The government is currently working on finding the causes and method to thwart future cyber attacks.

In September, the attacker hacked into many Government websites of Myanmar.

- Christina


Hackers compromised over 50,000 accounts of 'Kinopoisk' website to change rating of movie 'Crimea'

Hackers compromised over 50,000 user accounts of the Kinopoisk(Movie Search) website - One of the leading online database for movies in Russia.  The main goal of hackers was increasing the rating of a film "Crimea", which was expected on the screens.

The incident first came to the spotlight when some of the users noticed the marks in their profile that they are expecting the premiere of the film "Crimea".  The administration of "Kinopoisk" received complaints from number of users.

After internal investigation, Representatives of the website has removed over 50,000 incorrectly marked marks.  After removing those marks, the number of marks is reduced from 70,000 to 17,000 - The rating of the move is reduced from 60% to 20%.

The technical Support staff of the portal also send notification to all the users of the hacked accounts to change the password.  They also recommended to set a strong password and not to use the same password in any other services.

- Christina

Penn State College of Engineering disables its network after two cyber attacks

The Penn State College of Engineering’s computer network has been temporarily disconnected from the Internet after its system was targeted by two cyber-attacks which were said to be advanced persistent threat and one of which was carried out by a threat actor based in China, using advanced malware.

“This was an advanced attack against our College of Engineering by very sophisticated threat actors,” said Eric J. Barron, President of the Penn State, wrote in a message on May 15.

“University leadership announced that our College of Engineering has been the target of two highly sophisticated cyberattacks. So, as a response, the college’s computer network has been disconnected from the Internet. Our experts expect the network to be back up and running in several days,” he 

The Penn State officials announced on May 15 that FireEye Cybersecurity Forensic Unit Mandian, which was hired by the college, discovered the breach and confirmed that at least one of the two attacks to the college system was from China.

Now, the system has been disabled by the college to securely recover.

“In order to protect the college’s network infrastructure as well as critical research data from a malicious attack, it was important that the attackers remained unaware of our efforts to investigate and prepare for a full-scale remediation,” said Nicholas P. Jones, Executive Vice-President and Provost at the Penn State. “Any abnormal action by individual users could have induced additional unwelcome activity, potentially making the situation even worse.”

The college wrote that it has taken up plans to allow engineering faculty, staff and students to their and to upgrade affected computer hardware and fortify the network against future attack. The outage is expected to last for several days, and the effects of the recovery will largely be limited to the College of Engineering.

 “I encourage all College of Engineering faculty, staff and students to visit for the latest information about steps they will need to take as the college recovers from the attack. This website also includes general information for all members of the Penn State community, including steps that all can take to safeguard their critical information, above and beyond the protections that already are in place,” Barron wrote.

According to the announcement, the FBI on 21 Nov, 2014 informed the Penn State about the cyberattack of unknown origin and scope on the College of Engineering network by an outside entity.

Soon after, the security experts from Penn State started working on a task to identify the nature of the possible attack and to take appropriate action, including the enlistment of third-party experts, chief of the Mandiant.

An investigation was carried out in every computer networks of the college.

Similarly, the University leadership reached out selectively to key administrators, academic leaders and IT professionals in the college. The IT officials also have taken steps to preserve critical data.

“Penn State should be commended for acting quickly to address these breaches, immediately launching a comprehensive internal investigation into the FBI’s report and retaining leading third-party computer forensic experts to assist in the investigation,” said Nick Bennett, senior manager of Mandiant. “These types of advanced attacks are difficult to detect and often linked to international threat actors which are ‘the new normal.”

According to the announcement, the researchers are yet to find any evidence to suggest that research data or any personal information such as social security or credit card numbers have been stolen. 

However, they have evidence that a number of College of Engineering-issued usernames and passwords have been compromised.

In order to ensure the safety of College of Engineering faculty and staff at University Park and students at all Penn State campuses who recently have taken at least one engineering course, the college has requested them to choose new passwords for their Penn State access accounts.

E-Bytes for this week

Google Refunds buyers scammed by fake android antivirus app:
Google has offered Refunds and $5 promotional credit to thousands of users who were scammed by fake Android app "Virus Shield".

Facebook Servers can be used by attackers to DDOS any websites:
Researcher found a bug in facebook Notes that allows anyone to launch Denial of service attack against any websites using the power of Facebook Servers. 

BJP blocks access to its website in Pakistan:
Hackers from Pakistan defaced the several websites related to Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) including website of Senior BJP Leader LK Advani.  Following the repeated hacking attacks, BJP has blocked its website for visitors from Pakistan.

Bitcoin Malware in Google Play store:
LookOut spotted five android applications on Google Play Store that turns the infected android devices into a distributed Bitcoin mining rig. 

Nullcrew claimed to have breached servers of nine organizations including Teleco Systems, Klas Telecom, Science and Technology center, National credit union, Spokeo and leaked databases.

Want to be a World Record Holder? Come to E-Hack

Ever had a dream of becoming a World Record Holder? We are giving you an opportunity of a lifetime; Be a part of it and don’t repent later! All you need to do to become a world record holder is to be part of the largest information security workshop E-HACK.

E-HACK is an Information Security Workshop, organized by infySEC. The workshop aims at creating awareness about INFORMATION SECURITY by showing in what all ways information or data can be stolen.Meddle in cyber-warfare, battle with our machine master mind who will throw challenges on web application security, network security, algorithms, reverse engineering and decryption. The team which cracks the final level will attain the glory of being Winner at our E-HACK Guinness record attempt with tons of prizes waiting. Be simple but not simpler is the famous quote by Einstein, that’s secret of success for E-HACK.

Heard of CTF (Capture the Flag)? We are going to have an Online CTF where you will have to showcase your skills in by passing security systems to claim top honors. The only way to know how to protect our information is by knowing the ways in which it can be stolen. So, we’ll be having wide range of discussions on what all ways a HACKer can get his hands on your information and in what all ways you can thwart him.

Capture the Flag (CTF) is a real time scenario game. You’ll be given a scenario which will require you to HACK into a server/site. There will be multiple levels and you have to progress through each level by HACKing through it. For instance the first level will need a password to enter, so you’ll have to identify the password and progress to the next level. It’s not going to be straight forward like this, it’s just an example. With a total of 50 levels, the team/person which cracks the maximum number of levels within the time limit, will be announced the winner.

The first couple of levels are bound to be easier because of the training provided throughout day 1, but in the later levels you’ll be facing things which you might’ve never faced before like a combination of HACKs for instance. There will be a live leader board which will be reflecting the performance of each and every team. That will heat up the contest more. Amidst all this, social engineering is totally allowed and please do have fights but only online! Use of fists not allowed!!

Be prepared for a jaw dropping, entertaining and educative learning experience. This is a great networking opportunity for the security enthusiasts and ethical HACKers across the country to have intense knowledge sharing sessions. Apart from that, live demonstration, hands on experience on the latest tools, capture-the-flag competition and various other technologies will enable you to discover and contribute to make the world a secure place to live in.

E-HACK is a 2 day event. Starts on 27th July 2013(Saturday) and ends on 28th July 2013(Sunday) at Velammal Engineering College, surapet, Chennai. The first day will begin with the registration at 08.00 followed by breakfast for all. After breakfast, the keynote of the event will delivered and the instructions, rules and regulation of the event will be explained. Then the Record Clock will be officially setup at 09.59 and after that the training begins. The participants will be trained in the various aspects of HACKing by industrial experts. The training ends after lunch at 19.30. The registration for the event will be closed and the registration for the CTF will start after dinner at 20.00. Overnight CTF starts around 21.00 with live scoreboard which will constantly track which team is leading. The entire night will be activity filled.

The game will continue into the second day and will end by 09.00 (Don’t even think about sleep!! We bet you can’t!) After this point CTF can’t be attempted. The experts provide CTF demos after it ends and will explain all the levels. The clock ends at 10.30 with which E-HACK comes to an end. After 10.30 every single person in that room will be a record holder.Ain’t that cool? After CTF closes, the experts and our eminent speakers will address the gathering regarding Information Security. Results of CTF are announced at 10.50 and Grand prizes are distributed. The entire event comes to an end at 11.00.

The event is going to be graced with the presence of various eminent personalities and industrial experts to share their views and thoughts about Information Security. We are going to have Mr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Inventor of EMailTechnology ,Mr.PatrickMartinent from Google Development team, India , Dr.Prateep Phillips, ADGP of cyber Crime Branch Division, Chennai, Dr.SanthoshBabu,IAS,Commisioner Indian Medicine , Mr. SanthoshSrinivasan, Ex-Director of Symantec, Mr.Karthikeyan, Business consultant and Innovation Expert as speakers for this 2 day extravaganza.

As far as the eligibility for the event is concerned, if you have been to high school and have huge interest to showcase your skills or interested in learning new things, you can be a part of E-HACK. Just bring a laptop with a decent internet connection.

Can’t come down to Chennai to be a part of the event but have a huge group of enthusiasts?? No worries, physical barriers are no excuse for you to be a part of the event. Collect the group, contact and us and be an Organiser of E-HACK Xtended in your own locality. You can have live webinar and what more; you can also be a part of CTF and a part of history.

This event, E-HACK, is going to be the largest ever workshop on information security in 2013. On its way, we are also attempting for some records. MICROSOFT holds the record for most number of participants in a software development marathon in a single location, by having a head count of 2567 participants. We are going to beat that record by having 3000+ participants in a single venue.

This event is going to be an attempt for a record, in The Indian Book of Records, The Asian Book of Records and The Guinness Book of World Records, as the event with the largest number of participants in an information security workshop. Don’t be a part of History; Create History, with us!

The event also aims at helping people grow along with us. Any company that wants to have a product launch or expand their business; they can just be our event sponsors and have a huge reach. The brand value and image of the sponsors can be easily boosted as they have a chance to publicize themselves among the 3000+ students participating in the event. Apart from this, we also have a huge following base online, so your brand can have viral publicity. Imagine a reach of 3000+ target audience overnight! That’s what we are offering you!


P.S: World renowned web security experts will be watching you at E-HACK, who knows you might end up working for them. Prove you’re potential.

Do you wish to organize E-HACK Xtended at your institute, then


Contact Numbers :
 Chetan (+91) 44 26202634
Gary (+91) 44 26202637
Gary (+91) 9952054575
S.Prabhu Ebenezer (+91) 7305633561
Murali Ramakrishnan (+91) 8056205286