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SourceForge vulnerable to XSS injection

A security researcher WilyXem from spain has discovered Reflected cross site scripting vulnerability in SourceForge(

SourceForge is a web-based source code repository. It acts as a centralized location for software developers to control and manage free and open source software development.

The vulnerability exists in the job finding page of sourceforge. The developer fails to validate input coming frin the text box that allows user to search jobs.

This left the text field vulnerable to attack.

The poc code:

Pakistan army website hacked by Human mind cracker

The Tunisian hacker 'Human Mind Cracker' who discover critical vulnerability in high profile website.Again,this time he hacked into Pakistan Army website  and he get into their Database. He discovered SQL Injection vulnerability in their website '' .

In an email sent to EHN,the hacker provided us the vunerable link as a proof for his hacking.And he also provided a link to the dump (

" The reason of the hack is just to break the security of that website...I was thinking that Pakistan has a good cyber army but lool also they have a lot of vulnerable websites" hacker said in the email.

The dump contains database details, password, email address, admin id and password.

The hacker always try to hack into governments and banks website to improve his skills and want to know if government mind about security in their website.And the hacker said that more governments websites will be hacked by him soon.

#opleak29 : NASA database leaked by xl3gi0n hackers

The xl3gi0n hackers has breached one of the NASA subdomain ( Lunar Science Forum 2010) and compromised the database server.  The hackers leaked the stolen data in pastebin.

The leak( contains the email addresses, plain-text passwords, name of the user.  The leak also contains admin details including username, encrypted password.

There are three admin username and password listed in the leak. Hackers managed to crack the two out of three passwords and published the plain-text format of the password.

"This is why i were arrested the first time. hope you come and arrest me again cuz there are some files that will be leaked " Hacker said in the leak.

The hackers breached the database server by exploiting SQL Injection vulnerability.  In an Email send to EHN, hacker provided the vulnerable link of the target website.  Hacker requested me not to publish the vulnerable link.

CVE-2012-5664 :All Ruby on Rails versions vulnerable to SQL Injection vulnerability

A SQL Injection vulnerability has been discovered in Ruby on Rails that affects  all current versions of the web framework.

According to the advisory, due to the way dynamic finders in Active Record extract options from method parameters, a method parameter can mistakenly be used as a scope.

A Hacker can manipulate it carefully and thereby inject arbitrary SQL code leading to an SQL injection.

Dynamic finders use the method name to determine what field to search, so calls such as: Post.find_by_id(params[:id]) would be vulnerable to an attack.
The vulnerability has been fixed in the latest released version 3.2.10, 3.1.9, 3.0.18. All users running an affected release should either upgrade or use one of the work arounds immediately.

The Vulnerability was disclosed on the the Phenoelit blog in late December  where author used the technique to extract user credentials bypassing the authlogic authentication framework.

Clickjacking vulnerability in Microsoft Social Network Socl


An Indian Security Researcher , Nikhil P Kulkarni, has discovered Clickjacking vulnerability in the Microsoft's Social network SOCL(
Clickjacking, also referred as "User Interface redress attack" and "UI redress attack", is one type of website hacking technique where hacker use multiple transparent layers to trick a user into clicking on something different to what the user perceives they are clicking on.

In a POC provided to EHN, the researcher demonstrated the clickjacking vulnerability.  In a html file, the top layer says "click below to win your prize money". But , in background, the SOCL page was loaded. When a user click the "click here" button, it will post message in the victim's wall.

The researcher discovered the vulnerability in August and sent notification to Microsoft. Initially, Microsoft rejected it nearly 5 times and told researcher that it was not a vulnerability.

But recently, they realized that all his POC's were right and have rectified that vulnerability. They have decided to put his name in their hall of fame page.

IE vulnerability allows attackers to track mouse cursor, even if IE window is inactive

Internaut often use virtual keyboard while typing their password in order to protect their data from being stolen from Keyloggers.  It seems like a new bug in IE makes the virtual keyboard insecure.

A security researcher from claimed to have discovered a security flaw in the Internet Explorer versions 6 through 10, could allow hackers to track user's mouse movements , even if the IE window is minimized.

"Internet Explorer’s event model populates the global Event object with some attributes relating to mouse events, even in situations where it should not. " Explained in the

"Combined with the ability to trigger events manually using the fireEvent() method, this allows JavaScript in any webpage (or in any iframe within any webpage) to poll for the position of the mouse cursor anywhere on the screen and at any time—even when the tab containing the page is not active, or when the Internet Explorer window is unfocused or minimized. The fireEvent() method also exposes the status of the control, shift and alt keys."
The Demo of the bug can be found here:

They have also created a game( to illustrate how easily this security vulnerability in Internet Explorer may be exploited to compromise the security of virtual keyboards and virtual keypads.

20+ Government websites hacked by Teamr00t

The well-known hacker collevite Teamr00t has managed to breach the government websites from several countries and defaced. The hacked sites are from Brazil, Paraguay, Philippine, Thailand,Indonesia, Bolivia and more.

The defacement was part of their ongoing hacking operation against the government of the world. They've send a message to the government.

"To the governments of the world, it is time you listened and acted upon what would benefit and help the people of your countries! It is now time for you to start listening to the voices of your nation and deal with the problems that are occurring every single day. " The defacement message reads.

" Everyone has the right to freedom of speech and your people must be allowed this freedom. Stop, listen and take action that will help benefit your nation!"

"Teamr00t Has Arrived!!! We are the voice for the suppressed people of the world, and we will show you the truth!"

The list of affected site includes  City of Flores de Goiás (,Gov Brazil (, Gov Paraguay (, Laoag City site (, Gov Thailand ( , National Adoption Ministry (,

The list of hacked sites with mirror can be found here:

Anonymous #AutumnStatement to the tax avoiding rich and corrupt politicians

The Anonymous hacktivists have hacked into a number of websites and defaced them with "Autumn statement" to the tax avoiding rich and corrupt politicians.

The list of hacked websites includes SABA Consulting( ,Maxwells Spanish Holiday Villas (, EF Medispa (, Arena Wealth(

"While the UK continues to demonise and punish the poor, the sick and the unemployed for the corruption of the financial and political systems, we would like to remind all of the British tax-avoiding Monaco dwellers, the super-rich and politicians that:

We are watching you.

You will be held accountable for your greed.

Expect Us." The defacement page reads.

At the time of writing , most of the sties still displays the defacement message. After few minutes, users are being redirected to The defaced page redirects to HM Revenue and Customs website(