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Facebook Data Breach: How To Check If Your Details Were Leaked


By now you must have heard that the social network giant ‘Facebook’ has witnessed a very large-scale user data breach that has affected more than 533 million users from 100 plus states. 

Cybercriminals leaked the credentials on online serves that included Facebook IDs, addresses, photos, and other details and in certain cases email addresses. Ironically, it has been seen that the personal data of Facebook’s founder and CEO-Mark Zuckerberg, was also leaked in that breach. 

This article will guide you to check whether your personal data has been breached or not, as a part of the breach. Additionally, you also can check recent leaks or other past leaks in the post. 

The first step is to just go and visit Have I Been Pwned, it will ask for your account details such as your email address or logged-in phone number. If your email address (and the associated account) has been compromised, it will let you know, moreover, not only in regard to the recent breach but it will also give you an account of any other breaches in which your personal data may have been compromised.

"Have I Been Pwned" has been created by a security researcher named Troy Hunt, who was initially skeptical of adding a phone number option while searching breaches due to certain privacy risks, but ended up adding the feature. 

Another tool is a site called The News Each Day, wherein you can just enter your phone number, and then technical information will appear on your screen informing whether your data has been compromised or not. 

Additionally, all the users are advised to change the passwords of the compromised sites alongside, looking out for the best endpoint protection tools that are out there. Users are also recommended to verify the security of sites and apps around to keep their identity safe and secure, for which they are advised to rely on the best identity theft protection.

Facebook official Twitter and Instagram accounts hacked!

"Well, even Facebook is hackable but at least their security is better than Twitter.", this opening statement was posted on Facebook's official Twitter account by the hacking group OurMine.

Though the accounts have now been restored, the hacking group OurMine posted the same on Facebook's Twitter, messenger and Instagram accounts.

OurMine says its hacks are to show the sheer vulnerability of cyberspace. In January, they attacked and hijacked dozens of US National Football League teams accounts.

They posted the following on Facebook's Twitter page-

Hi, we are O u r M i n e,
Well, even Facebook is hackable but at least their security is better than twitter. 

 to improve your account security
 Contact us: contact@o u r m In 

 For security services visit: o u r m In 

On Instagram, they posted OurMine logo whereas Facebook's own website was left alone. Twitter has confirmed that the accounts were hacked albeit via a third-party and the accounts were then locked.

"As soon as we were made aware of the issue, we locked the compromised accounts and are working closely with our partners at Facebook to restore them," Twitter said in a statement.

These attacks followed the same trend as they did in the attack on the teams of the National Football League.

The accounts were accessed by Khoros, a third-party platform. Khoros is a marketing platform, a software that allows people to manage their social media accounts all in one space. It can be used by businesses to manage their social media communications. These platforms like Khoros, have the login details of the customers. OurMine seemed to have gained access to these accounts through this platform.

OurMine is a Dubai based hacking group known for attacking accounts of corporations and high profile people. It has hacked social media accounts of quite a few influential individuals like Twitter's founder Jack Dorsey, Google's chief executive Sundar Pichai, and the corporate accounts of Netflix and ESPN. According to OurMine, their attacks are intended to show people cybersecurity vulnerabilities and advises it's victims to use its services to improve security.

Facebook page of Mancera,Mayor of Mexico City hacked

An unknown cybercriminals compromised the official facebook page of the Miguel Ángel Mancera, the Head of Government of the Mexican Federal District.

After hackers hijacked the page, the officials immediately suspended the facebook page to prevent misuse.

"Please note that the account of # Facebook's # JefeDeGob @manceramiguelmx has been hacked." reads the message posted in the @GobiernoDF. (translated)

"We have suspended the Facebook page to detect the causes of the inadequate functioning. Thanks for your understanding" The tweet posted by the @ManceraConecta .(translated)

The Onion twitter accounts and Facebook hacked by Syrian Electronic Army

It seems like the Onion news organization will be the next victim of the Syrian Electronic Army's cyber attack on News organization. 

Few minutes ago, the Syrian Electronic Army(SEA) has provided a screenshot that shows they have gained accessed to the official twitter account.

Based on the screenshot provided by the hacker group, they have compromised the four onion's twitter accounts including @theonion,@OnionSports, @onionpolitics, @onionstroe and  @TheAVClub .

It seems like they have hacked the official facebook pages including The Onion and Online sports.

If i am not wrong, the SEA still have access to those twitter accounts because the tweets in the screenshot has been posted before 1 hour.

The screenshot tweeted by the hacker:

Facebook Page of Former Secretary of State Colin Powell hacked

Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell's official page was hacked. After hijacking the facebook page, the hacker started to post some of the pictures stolen from the email accounts of the Bush family by a hacker named "Guccifer".

"Kill the illuminati! Tomorrow’s world will be a world free of illuminati or will be no more!" The hacker said in one of the post.

After few hours, Powell managed to recover his facebook page and apologized for the offensive posts made by the hacker.

"Dear Friends, as most of you realize, my fb page has obviously been hacked. I'm sorry you have to see all the stupid, obscene posts that are popping up. Please ignore as we are working with fb to take care of this problem. I appreciate your patience." Powell posted after he recovered his facebook page.

"Dear Friends, I'm happy to report that the hacking problem has been fixed. We have been working with fb this morning and they took immediate action to remedy the situation."

Facebook hacked in Sophisticated Java 0-day attack

Social Network giant Facebook has announced that its computer systems were targeted in a Sophisticated Java zero-day attack last month. Fortunately, Facebook figured out the existence of the malware before further damage was done.

According to Facebook security blog post, the attack occurred when a handful of employees visited a mobile developer website that was compromised.

They found no evidence that Facebook user data was compromised. Federal authorities are investigating this cyber attack.

Facebook says it was not alone and that several other companies were also attacked.

Recently, Twitter reported a cyber attack. The New York Times and Wall Street Journal newspapers have also said they were attacked and blame Chinese Hackers.