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Google’s Med-Gemini: Advancing AI in Healthcare

Google’s Med-Gemini: Advancing AI in Healthcare

On Tuesday, Google unveiled a new line of artificial intelligence (AI) models geared toward the medical industry. Although the tech giant has issued a pre-print version of its research paper that illustrates the capabilities and methodology of these AI models, dubbed Med-Gemini, they are not accessible for public usage. 

According to the business, in benchmark testing, the AI models outperform the GPT-4 models. This specific AI model's long-context capabilities, which enable it to process and analyze research papers and health records, are one of its standout qualities.

Benchmark Performance

The paper is available online at arXiv, an open-access repository for academic research, and is presently in the pre-print stage. In a post on X (formerly known as Twitter), Jeff Dean, Chief Scientist at Google DeepMind and Google Research, expressed his excitement about the potential of these models to improve patient and physician understanding of medical issues. I believe that one of the most significant application areas for AI will be in the healthcare industry.”

The AI model has been fine-tuned to boost performance when processing long-context data. A higher quality long-context processing would allow the chatbot to offer more precise and pinpointed answers even when the inquiries are not perfectly posed or when processing a large document of medical records.

Multimodal Abilities

Text, Image, and Video Outputs

Med-Gemini isn’t limited to text-based responses. It seamlessly integrates with medical images and videos, making it a versatile tool for clinicians.

Imagine a radiologist querying Med-Gemini about an X-ray image. The model can provide not only textual information but also highlight relevant areas in the image.

Long-Context Processing

Med-Gemini’s forte lies in handling lengthy health records and research papers. It doesn’t shy away from complex queries or voluminous data.

Clinicians can now extract precise answers from extensive patient histories, aiding diagnosis and treatment decisions.

Integration with Web Search

Factually Accurate Results

Med-Gemini builds upon the foundation of Gemini 1.0 and Gemini 1.5 LLM. These models are fine-tuned for medical contexts.

Google’s self-training approach has improved web search results. Med-Gemini delivers nuanced answers, fact-checking information against reliable sources.

Clinical Reasoning

Imagine a physician researching a rare disease. Med-Gemini not only retrieves relevant papers but also synthesizes insights.

It’s like having an AI colleague who reads thousands of articles in seconds and distills the essential knowledge.

The Promise of Med-Gemini

Patient-Centric Care

Med-Gemini empowers healthcare providers to offer better care. It aids in diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient education.

Patients benefit from accurate information, demystifying medical jargon and fostering informed discussions.

Ethical Considerations

As with any AI, ethical use is crucial. Med-Gemini must respect patient privacy, avoid biases, and prioritize evidence-based medicine.

Google’s commitment to transparency and fairness will be critical in its adoption.

Phind-70B: Transforming Coding with Unmatched Speed and Precision


In the dynamic realm of technology, a luminary is ascending—Phind-70B. This transformative force in coding combines speed, intelligence, and a resolute challenge to GPT-4 Turbo, promising to redefine the coding paradigm. Rooted in the robust CodeLlama-70B foundation and fortified with an additional 50 billion tokens, Phind-70B operates at a breathtaking pace, impressively delivering a remarkable 80 tokens per second. 

It's not merely about velocity; Phind-70B excels in both rapidity and precision, setting it apart as a coding virtuoso. Distinctively, Phind-70B navigates intricate code and comprehends deep context with a 32K token window. This AI model isn't just about quick responses; it crafts high-quality, bespoke code aligned precisely with the coder's intent, elevating the coding experience to unparalleled heights. 

Numbers tell a compelling story, and Phind-70B proves its mettle by triumphing over GPT-4 Turbo in the HumanEval benchmark. While its score marginally lags in Meta's CRUXEval dataset, the real-world coding prowess of Phind-70B shines through, securing its place as a game-changing coding ally. At the heart of Phind-70B's triumph is TensorRT-LLM, a groundbreaking technology from NVIDIA, harnessed on the latest H100 GPUs. 

This not only propels Phind-70B to remarkable speed but ensures unparalleled efficiency, allowing it to think four times faster than its closest rival. Accessible to all, Phind-70B has forged strategic partnerships with cloud giants SF Compute and AWS. Coders can seamlessly embrace the coding future without cumbersome sign-ups, and for enthusiasts seeking advanced features, a Pro subscription is readily available. 

The ethos of the Phind-70B team is grounded in knowledge sharing. Their commitment is evident in plans to release weights for the Phind-34B model, with the ultimate goal of making Phind-70B's weights public. This bold move aims to foster community growth, collaboration, and innovation within the coding ecosystem. Phind-70B transcends its identity as a mere AI model; it signifies a monumental leap forward in making coding faster, smarter, and more accessible. 

Setting a new benchmark for AI-assisted coding with its unparalleled speed and precision, Phind-70B emerges as a revolutionary tool, an indispensable ally for developers navigating the ever-evolving coding landscape. The tech world resonates with anticipation as Phind-70B promises to not only simplify and accelerate but also elevate the coding experience. With its cutting-edge technology and community-centric approach, Phind-70B is charting the course for a new era in coding. Brace yourself to code at the speed of thought and precision with Phind-70B.

OpenAI: Turning Into Healthcare Company?

GPT-4 for health?

Recently, OpenAI and WHOOP collaborated to launch a GPT-4-powered, individualized health and fitness coach. A multitude of questions about health and fitness can be answered by WHOOP Coach.

It can answer queries such as "What was my lowest resting heart rate ever?" or "What kind of weekly exercise routine would help me achieve my goal?" — all the while providing tailored advice based on each person's particular body and objectives.

In addition to WHOOP, Summer Health, a text-based pediatric care service available around the clock, has collaborated with OpenAI and is utilizing GPT-4 to support its physicians. Summer Health has developed and released a new tool that automatically creates visit notes from a doctor's thorough written observations using GPT-4. 

The pediatrician then swiftly goes over these notes before sending them to the parents. Summer Health and OpenAI worked together to thoroughly refine the model, establish a clinical review procedure to guarantee accuracy and applicability in medical settings, and further enhance the model based on input from experts. 

Other GPT-4 applications

GPT Vision has been used in radiography as well. A document titled "Exploring the Boundaries of GPT-4 in Radiology," released by Microsoft recently, evaluates the effectiveness of GPT-4 in text-based applications for radiology reports. 

The ability of GPT-4 to process and interpret medical pictures, such as MRIs and X-rays, is one of its main uses in radiology. According to the report, "GPT-4's radiological report summaries are equivalent, and in certain situations, even preferable than radiologists."a

Be My Eyes is improving its virtual assistant program by leveraging GPT-4's multimodal features, particularly the visual input function. Be My Eyes helps people who are blind or visually challenged with activities like item identification, text reading, and environment navigation.

Many people have tested ChatGPT as a therapist when it comes to mental health. Many people have found ChatGPT to be beneficial in that it offers human-like interaction and helpful counsel, making it a unique alternative for those who are unable or reluctant to seek professional treatment.

What are others doing?

Both Google and Apple have been employing LLMs to make major improvements in the healthcare business, even before OpenAI. 

Google unveiled MedLM, a collection of foundation models designed with a range of healthcare use cases in mind. There are now two models under MedLM, both based on Med-PaLM 2, giving healthcare organizations flexibility and meeting their various demands. 

In addition, Eli Lilly and Novartis, two of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world, have formed strategic alliances with Isomorphic Labs, a drug discovery spin-out of Google's AI R&D division based in London, to use AI to find novel treatments for illnesses.

Apple, on the other hand, intends to include more health-detecting features in their next line of watches, concentrating on ailments like apnea and hypertension, among others.