Black Friday and Cyber Monday may have passed, but the dangers of online scams and cyberattacks persist year-round. Cybercriminals continue to exploit digital shoppers, leveraging sophisticated tools such as phishing kits, fake websites, and cookie grabbers that bypass two-factor authentication (2FA). These tools, widely available on dark web marketplaces, turn online shopping into a risky endeavour, particularly during the peak holiday season.
Dark web marketplaces operate like legitimate businesses, offering everything from free phishing kits to subscription-based malware services. According to NordStellar threat intelligence:
These illicit tools are increasingly accessible, with some even offered at discounted rates during the holiday season. The result is an alarming rise in phishing scams targeting fake shopping sites, with 84% of victims interacting with these scams and nearly half losing money.
Session cookies, particularly authentication cookies, are a prized asset for hackers. NordStellar reports over 54 billion stolen cookies available on the dark web, including:
These cookies allow attackers to impersonate legitimate users, gaining unauthorized access to accounts without requiring passwords or verification codes. This capability makes cookie-grabber pages one of the most valuable tools in the hacker’s arsenal.
Google has introduced measures like passkeys to combat these threats, offering a more secure alternative to traditional 2FA methods. A Google spokesperson emphasized that passkeys reduce phishing risks and strengthen security against social engineering attacks. Consumers can take additional steps to safeguard their online accounts:
By remaining vigilant and embracing stronger authentication technologies, shoppers can minimize the risks posed by cybercriminals and their evolving arsenal of dark web tools.
In 2024, the time it takes to crack a password depends on various factors, including its length, complexity, and the resources available to the hacker. Gone are the days when a simple six-character password could provide adequate protection. With the increasing computational power of modern machines and the prevalence of sophisticated hacking techniques, such passwords can be cracked in mere seconds. In 2024, the gold standard for password security lies in lengthy, complex combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols.
So, how long does it take for a hacker to crack a password in 2024? The answer is not straightforward. It depends on the strength of the password and the methods employed by the hacker. For instance, a short, simple password consisting of only lowercase letters can be cracked almost instantly using a brute-force attack, where the hacker systematically tries every possible combination until the correct one is found.
However, longer and more complex passwords present a significantly greater challenge. In 2024, state-of-the-art hacking tools utilize advanced algorithms and techniques such as dictionary attacks, where common words and phrases are systematically tested, and rainbow tables, which are precomputed tables used to crack password hashes. These methods can significantly reduce the time it takes to crack a password, but they are still thwarted by sufficiently strong passwords.
The concept of password entropy plays a crucial role in determining its strength against cracking attempts. Password entropy measures the randomness or unpredictability of a password. A password with high entropy is more resistant to cracking because it is less susceptible to brute-force and dictionary attacks. In 2024, experts recommend using passwords with high entropy, achieved through a combination of length, complexity, and randomness.
To put things into perspective, let's consider an example. A randomly generated 12-character password consisting of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols has an extremely high entropy. Even with the most advanced cracking techniques available in 2024, it could take billions or even trillions of years to crack such a password using brute-force methods.
However, the human factor remains a significant vulnerability in password security. Despite the availability of password managers and education on password best practices, many people still choose weak passwords or reuse them across multiple accounts. This behavior provides hackers with ample opportunities to exploit security vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access to sensitive information.
The time it takes for a hacker to crack a password in 2024 varies depending on factors such as password strength, hacking techniques, and computational resources. While advances in technology have empowered hackers with increasingly sophisticated tools, the key to effective password security lies in employing strong, unique passwords with high entropy. By staying vigilant and adopting best practices, individuals and organizations can fortify their defenses against malicious cyber threats in the digital age.