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ClubHack 2012 scheduled to happen on 30th Nov, 1st, 2nd & 3rd of December

clubhack 2012

The 6th edition of ClubHack has been scheduled to happen on 30th Nov, 1st, 2nd & 3rd of December 2012. The list of events includes Hack Night, Keynote sessions, Technical talks, Workshops, CTF.

Hack Night: A night where actual hackers spend time not to “break” into someone but to “make” something interesting.

ClubHack2012 presents 5 separate workshops that includes 'Securing Mobile applications – Exploits Demystified and Solutions Simplified', 'Managing Application Security', 'PowerShell for Hackers', 'Hackers vs. Developers', 'Advanced Pentesting Techniques'.

There is 12 technical briefings.
  • Detecting and Exploiting XSS with Xenotix XSS Exploit Framework (Ajin Abraham)
  • Smart Grid Security (Falgun Rathod)
  • HAWAS – Hybrid Analyzer for Web Application Security (Lavakumar Kuppan)
  • Real Time Event Recording System, the tool for Digital Forensics Investigation (Madhav Limaye)
  • Content-Type attack -Dark hole in the secure environment (Raman Gupta)
  • Legal Nuances to the Cloud (Ritambhara Agrawal)
  • FatCat Web Based SQL Injector (Sandeep Kamble)
  • Hacking and Securing iOS applications (Satish Bommisetty)
  • Infrastructure Security (Sivamurthy Hiremath)
  • Critical Infrastructure Security (Subodh Belgi)
  • XSSshell (Vandan Joshi)
  • Anatomy of a Responsible Disclosure – Zero Day Vulnerability in Oracle BI Publisher (Vishal Kalro)
If you register before November 8, you will get early bird discount. The registration details can be found here.

16th June 2012 null Bangalore Monthly meetup

Hi All,

We will have this month's null/OWASP/Garage4hackers/SecurityXploded
Bangalore meetup on Saturday 16th June 2012 starting at 10:00 AM. No
registrations, no fees, just come with an open mind :)

The Bangalore meet, as usual, is divided into 2 parts, the monthly
talks and the Training on Reverse Engineering. The Reverse Engineering
training will start at 12:45 PM by the SecurityXploded/
Garage4Hackers team.

Also, as discussed in the last month's meet, we will have a basic 30
minute primer on SQL Injection by Satish at 9:30 AM, before the main
talks begin at 10:00 AM. All those who would be interested to learn,
understand the basics of SQL Injection and to watch some cool demos
are requested to be present at 9:30 AM.

1. News Bytes - Sumeer
2. JavaScript Obfuscation - Prasanna
3. SSL VPNs - Rajesh

12:45 PM onwards:
4. Practical Reversing: Part3 - Memory Forensics - Monnappa

Kieon, 3rd Floor, 302 Prestige Sigma,
3 Vittal Mallya Road,
Bangalore 560001
Opposite Bishop Cottons Girls School, Above Emirates Airlines office.

Map Location:

Parking is available in the building. See you there.

DEF-CON Bangalore September 2012 Meet-Call for Papers

September 2012, DEF-CON Meet (Bangalore Chapter) is the platform for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Computer Technology and Science. The paper presentation held as part of The Meet attracts some of the best minds from all over the country. Participants are invited to present papers spanning various research topics pertaining to the different branches of engineering.

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

  • New Vulnerabilities and Exploits/0-days
  • Open Source Security&Hacking Tools
  • Antivirus/Firewall/UTM Evasion Techniques
  • Software Testing/Fuzzing
  • Network and Router Hacking
  • Malware analysis & Reverse Engineering
  • Mobile Application Security-Threats and Exploits
  • Advanced Penetration testing techniques
  • Web Application Security & Hacking
  • Browser Security
  • Hacking virtualized environment
  • WLAN and Bluetooth Security
  • Lockpicking & physical security
  • Honeypots/Honeynets
  • Exploiting Layer 8/Social Engineering
  • Cloud Security
  • Critical Infrastructure & SCADA networks Security
  • National Security & Cyber Warfare
  • Cyber Forensics, Cyber Crime & Law Enforcement

PS: This is just a sample, the topics can be anything and everything related to computer science and security engineering.

Procedure for submitting your papers:-

Your submissions should follow the following format.

1. Author name
2. Title of the Paper
3. Email Address
4. Mobile Number
5. Provide Supporting Materials for your paper in form of PDF or Links
6. Presentation Format must be in PDF for submission.

Send your submissions to:

Important Dates

Date for Abstract Submission : 29th June 2012

Date for Notification of Selection : 8th July 2012

Date for Final submission of full paper : 15th August 2012
DEF-CON Bangalore Meet Scheduled on: 9th September 2012

Null Chennai Chapter monthly meet on 19th May ,2012

Hey Guys ,

We have scheduled our null+g4h Chennai Chapter Monthly Meet on 19th May,2012.

1) Exploits - Ahmed
2) IronWASP - Lava Kumar
3) News Byte & Symbolic Linking - Santhosh Kumar

Date :
19th May,2012 (Saturday).

Time :
4:00 - 7:00 p.m

No.305, D-Block, North Wing,
Tidel Park, Dr.Rajiv Gandhi Salai,
Taramani, Chennai- 600113
044 3068 6500

For any issues regarding Venue or Meet Contact :niteshbetala [ at ] gmail [ dot] com or Call @ 9941576747

Null Mumbai Chapter meet on 26th April,2012

Null, Open Security Team scheduled mumbai chapter on 26th April,2012.

The agenda for the meet would be as follows:

1) Rootkit Internals by Omkar Pardeshi

-Types of malware - Introduction to types of malwares. Basics of virus worm and Trojans.

-Tools used to analyze malwares

-Introduction to Rootkit - Where Rootkit stands in current scenario.

-Working of Rootkit-Details of how Rootkit work.

-Protection against Rootkit-Ways of protection available for Rootkit Attack

-Effectiveness of current Av software-How Av software can prevent attack of Rootkits

Omkar has about 1.4 years of experience working as a Malware Analyst and Driver Developer. He also maintains the following security blogs:

2) Leveraging OSINT in Penetration Testing by Ashish Mistry

As a Penetration Tester or Security Auditor it is necessary to identify as much attack surface as possible. We can obtain this result by leveraging publicly exposed information.OSINT helps a penetration tester identify larger attack surfaces. We shall also look into ways to fix this.We shall see demonstrations information gathering which an attacker may use against real world targets.

Ashish is an individual information security researcher and trainer. He is the founder and owner of infosec resources and tools portal and author of HconSTF - a open source penetration testing framework

Max. session duration:

45 mins.


M/s Institute of Information Security,

201, Ecospace Building, Off Old Nagardas Road,


Near Andheri Subway/Station,

Andheri (East)

(Google Map Link:


6:30 PM onwards

Contact No:
+91-9819643034 (Wasim Halani)

Null Pune meet scheduled on 21st April 2012

Null Team scheduled the next Pune monthly meet on 21st April,2012. As usual ,there is no registration .

Here is the Agenda for the meet :

  •  Explaining DDoS: by Rohit Verma
  •  Recovering PDF Encryption Key: by Akib Sayyed

Venue :
Room No. 704, 7th Floor,
Atur Center, SICSR,
Gokhale Cross Road, Model Colony,

Timings :
1700 Hrs to 1900 Hrs

For any more queries or if anyone is interested in giving a talk drop us a mail at
ppush_at_null_dot_co_dot_in /// corrupt_at_null_dot_co_dot_in /// void_at_null_dot_co_dot_in

push - Moderator, null Pune Chapter

c0c0n 2012 - Call For Papers and Call For Workshops

c0c0n announced the Call for Papers and Call for Workshops for c0c0n 2012, a 3-day Security and Hacking Conference (1 day pre-conference workshop and 2 day conference), full of interesting presentations, talks and of course filled with fun!

The conference topics are divided into four domains as follows:
  • Info Sec - Technical
  • Info Sec - Management
  • Digital Forensics and Investigations
  • Cyber Laws and Governance.

We are expecting conference and workshop submissions on the following topics, but are not limited to:
  • New Vulnerabilities and Exploits/0-days
  • Open Source Security&Hacking Tools
  • Antivirus/Firewall/UTM Evasion Techniques
  •  Software Testing/Fuzzing
  •  Network and Router Hacking
  •  Malware analysis & Reverse Engineering
  •  Mobile Application Security-Threats and Exploits
  •  Advanced Penetration testing techniques
  •  Web Application Security & Hacking
  •  Browser Security
  •  Hacking virtualized environment
  •  WLAN and Bluetooth Security
  •  Lockpicking & physical security
  •  Honeypots/Honeynets
  •  Exploiting Layer 8/Social Engineering
  •  Cloud Security
  •  Critical Infrastructure & SCADA networks Security
  •  National Security & Cyber Warfare
  •  Cyber Forensics, Cyber Crime & Law Enforcement
  •  IT Auditing/Risk management and ISO 27001

CFP Review Committee:

0x01 - Armando Romeo
0x02 - Dinesh O Bareja
0x03 - Peter Giannoulis
0x04 - Simon Bennetts (a.k.a. Psiinon)
0x05 - Vahan Markarov

For more details about the Review Committee, visit -

Submission Guidelines:

Email your submission to: cfp [at] is-ra [dot]org
Email subject should be: CFP c0c0n2012 - <Paper Title>
Email Body:

Personal Information:

>> Speaker Name:
>> Job Role/Handle:
>> Company/Organization:
>> Country:
>> Email ID:
>> Contact Number:
>> Speaker Profile: (max 1000 words)

>> If there is additional speaker please mention it here following the above format.

Presentation Details:

>> Name/Title of the presentation:
>> Paper Abstract: (max 3000 words)
>> Presentation Time Required (20, 30, 50 Minutes)
>> Is there any demonstration? Yes or No
>> Are you releasing any new tool? Yes or No
>> Are you releasing any new exploit? Yes or No

Other Needs & Requirements:

>> Do you need any special equipment?
>> We will be providing 1 LCD projector feed, 2 screens, microphones, wired and/or wireless Internet.
>> If you have any other requirement, Please mention it here and the reason.

Remember these Dates!

>> CFP Opens: 16th Mar 2012
>> CFP Closing Date: 30th Apr 2012
>> Speakers list online: 21th May 2012
>> Workshop Dates: 02nd Aug 2012
>> Conference Dates: 03rd and 4th Aug 2012

*NOTE:* We should not promote vendor/product oriented submissions hence it will be rejected.

Speaker Benefits:

>> Complimentary Conference registration.
>> Complementary Accommodation for 2 nights.
>> Complementary conference passes.
>> Invitation to c0c0n-Blast (The Networking Lungi party).
>> Travel Reimbursement - The selected speaker will receive travel reimbursement, to the extent available with existing ISRA /conference funds.
>> Only one speaker will be eligible for the benefits in case there are two or more speakers for a talk.

Thanks and Regards,
-c0c0n Team-

Null-Chennai Chapter rescheduled on 31st march,2012

We have re-scheduled the Null-Chennai monthly meet on 31st March,2012. Sorry for not having on the discussed date due to non availability of speaker as well venue we are not able to make it on 24th March.

Speaker :
1) The Art of UI-Redressing - Ahmed Nafeez.
2) News Byte - Sukesh Reddy.
3) IronWASP - Lava Kumar.

No.305, D-Block, North Wing,, Tidel Park,, Dr.Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Taramani,, Chennai- 600113
044 3068 6500
Time : 4.00 pm - 6.00pm
If you have any queries , feel free to contact Nitesh Betala.
Mail id:  niteshbetala[at]gmail[ dot]com or null[ at ]null[ dot] co [dot] in
Nitesh BetalaPh: +9941576747