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SC website hacked, Brazil “HackTeam” suspected

Screenshot of Supreme Court website Thursday morning

At around noon on Thursday, it was found that the website of the Supreme Court of India was hacked, reportedly occurring soon after or while the court announced its dismissal of the plea for an independent probe into the death of Judge Loya.

The incident was discovered when screenshots were shared by users on Twitter, showing an image resembling a cannabis leaf, along with text reading “Hackeado por HighTech Brazil HackTeam” and “te amo linda pequena ...melhor amiga que já tive,” which roughly translate respectively to “Hacked by HighTech Brazil HackTeam” and “I love you, beautiful little girl friend I've ever had.”

No one has yet come out to claim responsibility of the attack but based on the text, it is believed that Brazilian hackers, specifically the hacker group HighTech Brazil HackTeam, are involved in the hacking of the website.

While the messages had been removed once the hack got reported, the website remained inaccessible for quite a while.

The SC officials reportedly admitted that the website had been “non-functional” since 11:35 in the morning, but did not comment on whether the website was hacked or not, saying that they were “not authorised” to speak on the issue.

This attack comes after, earlier this month, several government websites were believed to be hacked, but were later reported to be the results of a glitch according to the government. The websites that were affected include Ministry of Defence, Election Commission, Department of Public Enterprises, etc.

Dubai International Airport website hacked by Portugal Cyber Army

The official website of Dubai International Airport has been reportedly breached by a group of hacker groups.  The team Portugal Cyber Army collaborated with HighTech Brazil HackTeam and have done this security breach.

Earlier today, the hacker sent notification to E Hacking News through Twitter and provided a pastebin link that contains the compromised database from the server.

The leaked data ( consists of more than 50 email addresses end with "" and encrypted passwords.

Even though the password is encrypted, it is easy for a hacker to crack those passwords.  The leaked passwords are very weak passwords, a simple google search returns the decrypted password.

Indian NIC server breached by HighTech Brazil HackTeam

Brazilian hacker group known as "HighTech Brazil HackTeam" has reportedly breached one of the official NIC server of India and took control of the websites.

Hackers has defaced the government websites hosted on a single windows 2008 server belong to NIC, according to Cyber-N report.

The team didn't provide any specific reason for the attack, it seems like the attack is for increasing their hack counts in 'zone-h' -- a famous website that hosts mirror of the defacement.


The list of defaced sites includes Energy Department of Government of Karnataka(, BEML Technology Division(, Bangalore Urban(, Manipur VAT Dept(, Arunachal Pradesh VAT( and other sub-domains of

The full list of defaced websites can be found here:

Reliance NetConnect ,Top Tv sites first hacked by Hmei7 not by Brazil Hack Team

Report Says that the Reliance Netconnect website( and South Africa Top TV website( have been hacked by Brazil Hack Team.  We have discovered that the sites are orignally hacked by the mass defacer Hmei7.

The Reliance net connect site breached by Indonesian Hacker Hmei7 on Decemebr 27 ,2012 itself.  But the report says Brazilian hackers defaced the site recently.  

Earlier today, we reported that the Hmei7 has defaced more than 5000 websites.  We also mentioned that the Hmei7 is not kind of hacker who hack the main page.  Usually he upload the "x.txt" in the hacked site.

At the time of writing , I am still able to see that "x.txt" file is being hosted on the above hacked sites.

At the same time, the sites host the file uploaded by Brazil Hack Team.

The proof for the Hmei7 defacement.

Interpol Indonesia hacked and defaced by HighTech Brazil HackTeam

A Hacker with online handle "CrazyDuck" from the hacking group called " HighTech Brazil HackTeam" , has managed to break into the official website of NCB Interpol Indonesia website.

The hacker has defaced the main website.  Hacker did not mention the reason for the hacking attack against Interpol site.

At the time of writing, we are still able to see the defaced page.  You can check the mirror of the defacement in zone-h: