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Pegasus Spyware Targets Two Journalists in Togo: RSF


Reporters Without Borders (RSF) disclosed that two journalists in Togo had spyware on their phones that looked similar to the potent Pegasus surveillance tool used by the NSO group. RSF reports that the journalists are accused of defaming a government minister and are currently on trial for it. Since 1963 the nation of West Africa has been ruled by the same repressive royal family. 

RSF was unclear about the detected spyware, stating only that the "traces are typical of Pegasus." According to RSF, the Togo government employed Pegasus until at least 2021, and one of the two targeted journalists was exposed to a "major cyber-espionage operation throughout the first half of 2021.” 

RSF reported that Loïc Lawson, publisher of Flambeau des Démocrates, had 23 spyware attacks on his phone from February to July 2021. A second journalist, freelancer Anani Sossou, was targeted many months later, in October 2021. 

RSF stated that its forensic service for journalists, Digital Security Lab, conducted months of investigation, and Amnesty International's Security Lab corroborated its findings in an independent analysis. 

The organisation began probing the alleged phone tampering in December, roughly three weeks after the journalists were detained. Their arrest followed a complaint from Togo's minister of urban planning, housing, and land reform, who objected to their reporting disclosing the theft of approximately 600,000 Euros (nearly $650,000) in cash from his home.

According to RSF, the journalists were accused of undermining the minister's image and "inciting revolt" at a trial that began last month. While investigating the arrests, RSF stated in a press statement that it "discovered that [the journalists] had in fact been in the crosshairs of the Togolese authorities for a long time." 

The findings mark the first verified incident of spyware being used against journalists in Togo. Pegasus spyware has frequently targeted journalists, human rights campaigners, and opposition party leaders around the world in recent years. Researchers say the attack took place in February, shortly after the Russian government banned Timchenko's journal, Meduza, for being critical of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

WhatsApp Debunks Baseless Claims of Cyberattack Targeting Jews


Forwarded messages spewing rumours of cyberattacks targeting Jewish people, or stoking fears that Jewish people might be the target of cyberattacks, have no basis in reality, according to Meta's WhatsApp messaging service. 

Numerous online platforms have appeared to be spreading the warnings in recent days, with warnings beginning to circulate on Saturday. Scott Melker, one of the most influential crypto influencers on X, who has over one million followers, posted a warning on the social network asking that people share it with others. 

Hackers will use the WhatsApp app to lure WhatsApp users to download a file called "Seismic Waves CARD" the app, which will allow them to hack their phones in less than 10 seconds after installing the app. A post by Melker has been retweeted 200 times and has been viewed more than 250,00 times as of this writing. 

As reported by NBC News, the warning has been posted more than 30 times on X and has also spread to other social media and messaging services, including Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and WhatsApp Messenger. There have been more than a dozen other posts since then, including one that was posted by a former Twitter user who spread the warning across Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms. 

In a recent interview with the New York Times, WHO Communications Manager Emily Westcott stated that similar rumours have circulated before and that the company had previously confirmed that the messages hacked by "seismic waves" had been false. There have been several hoaxes popping up of late, warning of the download of a “Seismic Waves CARD”, which supposedly relates to the Moroccan earthquakes. 

The message copycats elements of a previous hoax warning issued just several weeks ago. A Snopes report in September confirmed that those messages were also false and that WhatsApp had lied about them.

A Similar Hoax Has Been Reported in The Past 

In a report published by multiple news outlets, Emily Westcott, a communications manager at WhatsApp, owned by Meta, stated that this type of hoax has been reported in the past. 

According to her, similar messages regarding the September earthquake in Morocco had also been falsely reported by the company in a previous statement that was made to fact-checking website Snopes. Even though spyware has cropped up in the past, this issue is rare to date and the spread of the hoax plays to the fears that victims may have about spyware on their phones.

As per researchers, Israeli cyber-intelligence company NSO Group created spyware in 2019 which was capable of infecting cell phones through the app's voice calling function based on a vulnerability found in WhatsApp's code. 

According to WhatsApp's lawsuit against NSO, the spyware was allegedly targeting 1,400 users, including journalists, lawyers, human rights activists, political dissidents, diplomats, and foreign officials in a position to represent a foreign government. It has been reported that NSO's products were at least a minor part of the murder of the Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi. 

Elon Musk has been criticized heavily for his more relaxed approach to content moderation and the spread of misinformation at X, and as a result, Musk himself has commented on conspiracy theories that are spreading throughout the site. After Musk posted a message on Sunday urging X users to stay updated on the Israel-Hamas fighting by following accounts known for promoting lies, Musk deleted the post after a few hours. 

A number of those accounts have also posted antisemitic content in the past, including a statement that said, "The overwhelming majority of people who work in the media and banks are Zionists," which is antisemitic. Several videos from previous conflicts have been repackaged and distributed on the Internet in the days following the outbreak of the war, including videos repurposing to show footage from the ground, video game clips claiming to show footage from the ground, and a false press release from the White House claiming the Biden administration had provided $8 billion in emergency aid to Israel.

Pegasus Spyware Reportedly Hacked iPhones of U.S. State Department & Diplomats


An unidentified party used NSO Group's Pegasus spyware to attack the Apple iPhones of at least nine US State Department officials, as per a report published Friday by Reuters. 

After receiving a query about the incident, NSO Group indicated in an email to The Register that it had barred an unnamed customer's access to its system, but it has yet to determine whether its software was engaged. 

An NSO spokesperson told The Register in an email, "Once the inquiry was received, and before any investigation under our compliance policy, we have decided to immediately terminate relevant customers’ access to the system, due to the severity of the allegations." 

"To this point, we haven’t received any information nor the phone numbers, nor any indication that NSO’s tools were used in this case." 

The Israel-based firm, which was recently sanctioned by the US for reportedly selling intrusion software to repressive regimes and is being sued by Apple and Meta's (Facebook's) WhatsApp for allegedly assisting the hacking of their customers, says it will work cooperatively with any relevant government authority and share what it learns from its investigation. 

NSO's spokesperson stated, “To clarify, the installation of our software by the customer occurs via phone numbers. As stated before, NSO’s technologies are blocked from working on US (+1) numbers. Once the software is sold to the licensed customer, NSO has no way to know who the targets of the customers are, as such, we were not and could not have been aware of this case." 

According to Reuters, the impacted State Department officials were situated in Uganda or were focused on Ugandan issues, therefore their phone numbers had a foreign nation prefix rather than a US prefix. When Apple launched its complaint against the NSO Group on November 23rd, the iPhone maker also stated that it will tell iPhone customers who have been the target of state-sponsored hacking. On the same day, Norbert Mao, a communist, was assassinated. On the same day, Norbert Mao, a lawyer and the President of Uganda's Democratic Party, tweeted that he'd gotten an Apple threat notification. 

According to the Washington Post, NSO's Pegasus software was involved in the attempted or accomplished hacking of 37 phones linked to journalists and rights activists, including two women connected to Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The findings contradicted NSO Group's claims that their software was only licenced for battling terrorists and law enforcement, according to the report. 

The NSO Group released its 2021 Transparency and Responsibility Report [PDF] the same month, insisting that its software is only used against groups with few sympathisers, such as terrorists, criminals, and pedophiles. 

Several reports from cybersecurity research and human rights organisations, not to mention UN, EU, and US claims about the firm, have disputed that assertion. The US State Department refused The Register's request for confirmation of the Reuters claim but said the agency takes its obligation to protect its data seriously. They were also told that the Biden-Harris administration is seeking to limit the use of repressive digital tools.

Israeli Security Company NSO Pretends to Be Facebook

As per several reports, Facebook was imitated by an Israeli security company that is known as the “NSO Group” to get the targets to install their “phone-hacking software”.

Per sources, a Facebook-like doppelganger domain was engineered to distribute the NSO’s “Pegasus” hacking contrivance. Allegedly, serves within the boundaries of the USA were employed for the spreading of it.

The Pegasus, as mentioned in reports, if installed once, can have access to text messages, device microphone, and camera as well as other user data on a device along with the GPS location tracking.

NSO has denied this but it still happens to be in a legal standoff with Facebook, which contends that NSO on purpose distributed its software on WhatsApp that led to the exploitation of countless devices. Another allegation on NSO is about having delivered the software to spy on journalist Jamal Khashoggi before his killing, to the government of Saudi Arabia, citing sources.

Facebook also claimed that NSO was also behind the operation of the spyware to which NSO appealed to the court to dismiss the case insisting that sovereign governments are the ones who use the spyware.

Per sources, NSO’s ex-employee, allegedly, furnished details of a sever which was fabricated to spread the spyware by deceiving targets into clicking on links. The server was connected with numerous internet addresses which happened to include the one that pretended to be Facebook’s. And Facebook had to buy it to stop the abuse of it.

As per reports, package tracking links from FedEx and other links for unsubscribing from emails were also employed on other such domains.

NSO still stand their ground about never using the software, themselves. In fact they are pretty proud of their contribution to fighting crime and terrorism, mention sources.

Security researchers say that it’s almost impossible for one of the servers to have helped in the distribution of the software to be within the borders of the USA. Additionally, reports mention, NSO maintains that its products could not be employed to conduct cyber-surveillance within the United States of America.

Facebook still holds that NSO is to blame for cyber-attacks. And NSO maintains that they don’t use their own software.