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Realising the Potential of EMR Systems in Indian Healthcare


A hospital electronic medical record (EMR) serves as a tool for managing hospital orders, handling hospital workflows, and securing healthcare information from unauthorized access. It strives to improve the healthcare delivery process by reducing healthcare costs, optimizing profits, and improving patient outcomes. 

Electronic medical records (EMRs) are individual medical records stored electronically. Medical information is stored in a variety of ways in an EMR. The data set includes a wide range of medical information, including medical history, prescriptions, allergies to drugs, hospital bills, etc. 

A paper-based system is currently in use, which is insufficient and ineffective, requires a lot of maintenance, and is inefficient. In contrast, it has several advantages over EMR, such as its portability, collaboration, and ease of data recovery. 

Doctors can make more efficient healthcare decisions with an EMR because it facilitates their decision-making process. The use of EMRs also enables healthcare providers to collect, maintain, and easily retrieve patient medical records through hospital information systems (HIS), which are web-based applications. EMRs not only assist in managing healthcare data, but they also help in managing hospital orders, managing hospital workflows, and securing medical records. All the processes involved in the delivery of healthcare are optimized to reduce costs and maximize profits for the benefit of the patient. 

The electronic medical record (EMR) market in India is experiencing demand growth driven by several factors, increasing demand for EMRs. As chronic diseases are becoming more prevalent, it is becoming increasingly important to provide high-quality, cost-effective healthcare services to meet the increasing demand. 

Further, the Indian government is encouraging the adoption of electronic medical records (EMRs) through initiatives such as the National Digital Health Mission, which is promoting digital initiatives in the healthcare sector. Fortis Healthcare's 2022 annual report indicates that the implementation of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) has played a significant role in the company's digital transformation efforts and has contributed substantially to its growth in online revenue as a result of digital transformation efforts. 

As the report indicated, online revenue was up by 48% in the second quarter of 2022. This was a result of digital channels' increased adoption. With digital channels, the company may be able to offer more comprehensive healthcare services and increase revenue streams. This is done by automating patient records and providing real-time access to data.  

The National Digital Health Blueprint (NDHB), which was proposed in 2019, intends to set up a system for building and managing the necessary infrastructure and data for the seamless exchange of health data, as well as promote the adoption of open standards and develop several digital health solutions encompassing wellness as well as disease prevention. Interesting to note is that in addition to using existing information systems within the health sector, the NDHB also seeks to unlock new ones from within.

Today, thanks to artificial intelligence and high-end data, healthcare experts and clinicians in India are becoming increasingly aware of the potential of these technologies. Despite this, radiology, billing, or registration will be the only areas where standardized electronic health records are being implemented.  

Doctors can benefit from EMR over traditional note-taking, with enhanced patient care, a reduction in paperwork, and easier access to patient information. Furthermore, it facilitates better coordination between healthcare providers across a wide variety of healthcare settings. Let's take a look at some of the factors that are driving the growth of the Indian economy. 

EMR Implementation in India is Primarily Driven by the Following Factors 

A key driver of electronic medical records adoption in India is a desire to reduce costs. By reducing paper, storage, personnel, and software expenses for medical records, EMR systems can save employers considerable amounts of money. 

EMRs offer many other benefits to the patient, including improved patient care as one of them. As a consequence, physicians can access vital medical information quickly about a patient, such as allergies, medications, and past health history. They are better able to make informed decisions when treating the patient. 

A healthcare provider can ensure the safety and confidentiality of patient data by implementing an EMR system. It is considered that EMRs are more secure than paper databases because they restrict access to only those licensed to view information. The result is that there is a reduced risk of sensitive patient information being accessed by unauthorized persons. 

Healthcare providers can take advantage of the benefits offered by EMRs by increasing their efficiency. The ease of access to digital patient information and the availability to make updates leads to improved patient care as well as fewer delays. 

The National Data Protection Act, which has been recently enacted in India, is one of the rules and regulations that regulate medical data. As long as healthcare providers can comply with the seven principles of the Data Protection Act, they can meet these regulations. They will also be able to ensure compliance with these regulations through EMR.

A top EMR software package will also enable patients to engage in their care in a more meaningful way. A patient's medical records can be accessed, their care and treatments can be reviewed, and they can take an active part in their care by accessing their records. 

As a result of all these factors, the use of Electronic Medical Records has mushroomed in India over the past decade. EMR systems will be adopted by a larger number of healthcare providers in the future. 

Only a few hospitals and clinics have successfully implemented electronic medical records (EMRs) in India, a country where technology is still in its infancy. As awareness about the benefits of EMR software grows in India, it is expected that more and more facilities will start using this system in their facilities as part of their standard of care. 

In the past few years, the Indian healthcare market has seen an increase in hospital admissions and patient visits as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. As per a report by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, in 2022, the number of admissions to hospitals will reach 2.92 lacks, with 5,010 admissions for patients staying in hospitals inside. 

There has also been an increase in the need for electronic medical records (EMRs) in the country due to this increase in the demand for healthcare services in the country. No doubt keeping accurate and up-to-date medical records has become even more imperative with more and more patients seeking medical care. A health records management system is a system designed to keep track of the health records of their patients, enabling them to make informed decisions and deliver better healthcare to their patients. 

There is a revolutionary digital framework proposed by the National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog), which aims to create digital health records for all Indian citizens by the year 2022 following the introduction of the "National Health Stack". As part of the National Health Stack initiative, the purpose of creating a unified system is to collect, manage, and share EMRs among actors and stakeholders in the Indian healthcare sector. 

Efforts like these are expected to increase the amount of EMR users in India and accelerate the market's growth in the coming years. Using this technology will ensure the promotion and enhancement of innovation in healthcare, as well as enhance patient access and outcomes. A significant step that China is taking towards improving the health care services provided in the country is the launch of the National Health Stack. 

To improve the delivery of healthcare in all areas of the country, the Indian government has actively promoted the adoption of digital health technologies, including electronic medical record (EMR) systems. A national health and safety network, also known as the NHS, was launched in 2018 as part of a government initiative to build an ecosystem of digital health services. This was to support healthcare delivery. 

A core building block of an NHS program is the development of a unique health ID as well as health registries that will form the foundation of it. A common digital healthcare infrastructure can be created across the country, using these block-level building blocks. Also, the government has launched a scheme called Ayushman Bharat, which aims to provide free medical assistance to all vulnerable populations up to a certain level as a measure of protecting them.