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Showing posts with label Pakistan Haxors CREW. Show all posts

Official websites of Taj Mahal and Agra Fort hacked by Pakistani hackers

The Pakistani hackers continue to target Indian Government and other websites.  'Pakistan Haxors Crew' is to be one of the most active groups that targeting Indian websites.

Today, the hacker known as 'H4$N4!N H4XOR' from the group hacked into one of the popular Indian Government websites ; The main page of Taj Mahal website( is now displaying the Pakistan's flag.

The message posted on the defaced page reads follows:
"Whatever you fail to detect, will cause your downfall..Pakistan Haxors Crew is here to remind you of your Security.. Our fight is not against any individual but the system as whole"

It is not the only website defaced in the recent attack. The group also changed the contents of other popular government websites including Agra Fort official site( and Fatehpur Sikri site.

While other sites are modified to display the hacker's content in the front page of the site, hackers have placed their defacement page in Fatehpur Sikrisite at ""  

At the time of writing, all of the affected websites still display the contents modified by the hackers. 

Tata Motors website hacked by Pakistani Hackers

The official website of Tata Motors, the Largest Indian multinational automotive manufacturing company, has been breached and defaced by a Pakistani Hacker who uses the online moniker "H4$N4!N H4XOR".

The main website is not affected by this breach. The Hacker has defaced the '', a sub-domain dedicated for the Auto Expo 2014.

"India B Ready I Am Coming  :P " The hacker wrote on the defaced page.

"Pakistan Haxors Crew is here to remind you of your security... Our fight is not against any individual but the system as a whole.. Should you choose to ignore security, it will reincarnate as your worst nightmare !  We just defaced your website to give you a chance to put your hands on it before others come and destroy it!"

At the time of writing, the Tata Motors' sub-domain still showed the defacement page. The mirror of defacement is available here:

Two more Indian Government websites hacked by Pakistani Hackers

In last few days, several Pakistani hacker groups have defaced plenty of Indian government websites.  Pakistan Haxors CREW is one of the group targeting the Indian websites.

The group today hacked into two Indian government websites: West Bengal State Coastal Zone Management Authority and Damodar Valley Corporation .

At the time of writing, '' still showing the defacement while the '' went offline.  The group also claimed to have dumped the database. 

Today, another group named as "Team MaXiMiZerS" have defaced two India's Kerala state government websites along with hundreds of other websites.

Last night, Voice Of Black Hat Hackers group from Pakistan hacked two India's Rajasthan state government websites.

Indian Public Health Engineering Department website hacked by Pakistan Hackers

West Bengal Branch of Indian Public Health Engineering Department website( has been breached by a hacker from Pakistan.

A hacker with handle H4$N4!N H4XOR from Pakistan Haxors CREW has has uploaded a defacement page in the "Uploads" directory of the site (

When we asked about the vulnerability responsible for the breach, the hacker said that the website is vulnerable to SQL Injection vulnerability.

"Security Breach!Free Kashmir. Free Syria. Stop Spying On US. Stop Killing Muslims. We Have All Your Data. Don't Try To Catch Us" The defacement message reads.

The hackers said the defacement is revenge for hacking Pakistan websites.  He also claimed to have compromised the database from the server.

In the last two days, the group hacked into Indian Railways website and Official website of Assam Rifles.

Official website of Assam Rifles hacked by Pakistan Haxors CREW

Just few minutes ago, the Pakisani hacker group known as "Pakistan Haxors CREW" has hacked into the official website of Assam Rifles.

The main home page is not affected by this attack.   The hacker has just uploaded a html file 'phc.html' in the main website(

Hacker didn't provide much information on the defaced page except a short message saying "Security Breach! Admin Secure It Thankssss".

In their official facebook page, the hacker group said "We Have What We Want".  We are not sure what they mean by that,  whether they have obtained any sensitive information or just mentioning about the defacement. The mirror of the defacement is here " ".

According to the add-attack mirror record(, there is another group called "United Bangladesh Hackers" also defaced the website, just few hours before Pakistani hackers.

The same pakistani hacker group recently breached the Indian Railways website and uploaded their defacement.

Indian Railways website hacked by Pakistan Haxors Crew

The official website of the Indian Railways has once again been hacked by Pakistani Hackers group.  This time, it is done by two hackers named as " H4$N4!N H4XOR" and "HUNTER KHAN" from the "Pakistan Haxors CREW(PHC)".

The home page of the site is not affected.  However, hackers managed to upload a "index.html" in a subdirectory("")

Not the first time :

Last August, Pakistan Cyber Army hacked into Indian Railways and uploaded their defacement page in the same "edrm_site" directory with a short message "Hello Guys. Aooooo Indian Railway Pawned LOL. Go to Hell This hack in reply to Pak Army Website".

In 2012, another hacker with handle "AiNAB", a member of Pakistan hacker group called Pakistan cyber pyrates, defaced multiple sub-domains of Indian Railways.(Refer:

At the time of writing, the website still shows the defacement message.  It is still unknown whether the previous vulnerability hasn't been fixed or hackers discovered new vulnerability.

It is worth to note the "H4$N4!N H4XOR" has hacked several Indian websites including Tamilnadu popular TV channels Jaya TV and Sun TV.