Researcher Alex Birsan, while examining PayPal's main authentication flow– discovered a critical security flaw that hackers could have exploited to access passwords and...
It seems like Paypal is running out of Money in its Bug Bounty budget. Bug Hunters started to report that the Paypal stopped to give Bounties.
Recently, a security...
An Indian Security Researcher Prakhar Prasad has discovered a Blind SQL Injection vulnerability in Paypal Notifications website( that allowed researcher to...
"The Best way to improve Network security is hiring hackers" Unfortunately, companies can't hire all best hackers. So the companies has chosen another best way to improve...
The Vulnerability Laboratory Research Team discovered a persistent input validation vulnerability in the official Paypal ecommerce website content management system.
The Vulnerability Laboratory Research Team discovered a persistent input validation Vulnerability in the official Paypal Plaza website application.
The bug allows an attacker...