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2,77,000 Routers Vulnerable to 'Eternal Silence' Assaults via UPnP


'Eternal Silence,' a malicious campaign, is exploiting Universal Plug and Play (UPnP), which switches the router into a proxy server used to execute nefarious assaults while obscuring the threat actors' location. 

UPnP is a connection protocol that enables additional devices on a network to establish port forwarding rules on a router automatically and is optionally available in most modern routers. This allows remote devices to use a certain software function or device as needed, with minimal user configuration. 

However, it is another technology that compromises security for convenience, particularly when the UPnP implementation is subject to attacks that enable remote attackers to add UPnP port-forwarding entries over a device's exposed WAN connection. 

Akamai researchers discovered attackers exploiting this flaw to build proxies that conceal their harmful operations and termed the attack UPnProxy. 

277,000 of the 3,500,000 UPnP routers detected online are vulnerable to UPnProxy, with 45,113 already infected by hackers. 

Analysts at Akamai believe the perpetrators are attempting to exploit EternalBlue (CVE-2017-0144) and EternalRed (CVE-2017-7494) on unpatched Windows and Linux systems, respectively. 

Exploiting these holes can result in a variety of issues, such as resource-intensive cryptominer infections, destructive worm-like attacks that quickly spread across entire corporate networks, or gaining initial access to corporate networks. 

The hackers' new rulesets include the phrase 'galleta silenciosa,' which means 'silent cookie'. 

The injections try to expose TCP ports 139 and 445 on devices connected to the targeted router, which totals around 1,700,000 machines that use SMB services. 

Although Akamai is unaware of the campaign's success rate, it did notice a methodical approach to the scans, focusing on devices that use static ports and routes for their UPnP daemons to inject port forwards.  

The perpetrators may be attempting to exploit EternalBlue (CVE-2017-0144) and EternalRed (CVE-2017-7494) on unpatched Windows and Linux systems, according to Akamai's experts. 

"Because there is a decent possibility that (vulnerable) machines unaffected by the first round of EternalBlue and EternalRed attacks were safe only because they weren't exposed directly to the internet. They were in a relatively safe harbor living behind the NAT," explains Akamai's report 

"The EternalSilence attacks remove this implied protection granted by the NAT from the equation entirely, possibly exposing a whole new set of victims to the same old exploits." 

'Eternal Silence' is a clever attack since it makes the practice of network segmentation ineffective and provides no sign of what is happening to the victim. 

Scanning all endpoints and auditing the NAT table entries is the best technique to see if the devices have been captured. There are a variety of ways to achieve this, but Akamai has made it simple by providing a bash script that can be used to test a potentially vulnerable URL. 

Disabling UPnP won't erase existing NAT injections if someone found a device infected with Eternal Silence. Users will have to reset or flash the device instead. 

Applying the most recent firmware update should also be a priority, since the device vendor may have resolved any UPnP implementation problems via the system update.