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Showing posts with label Team Grey Hat. Show all posts

TeamGreyHat hacked Bangladeshi Prime Minister's Email ID

TeamGreyhat, hacked the official Email id of Bangladesh Prime Minister , Sheikh Hasina ( along with 73 email id's of Bangladesh Prime Minister office, VoiceofGreyHat report says. Hackers provide screenshots to prove the access to the email addresses.

The Screenshot provided by TGH clearly indicates that the hacker gained access to the web-mail of Bangladesh PM office. Hackers didn't release either the confidential email or password due to security issue.

Screenshot Provided by TeamGreyHat

When hacker attacked the Islami Bank website, hackers also announced that they had broke into the Bangladesh Parliament Network & PM office .  At the time, they claimed they gained access to 40 GB of sensitive data. It can be expected that that time they have stolen the passwords of BD PM.

VGH reports that TeamGreyHat didn't specify any reason for the attack.

Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd hacked by TeamGreyHat : Cyber War 2.0

TeamGreyHat(TGH) continues their cyber attack against Bangladeshi websites; Today, they hacked into the largest Bank of Bangladesh named as Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd.

Few days back, TeamGreyHat hackers announced that they are going to launch cyber attack on Bangladesh.  As part of the cyber war, they hacked the official website of Bangladesh Stock Market.

Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd( and The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh( has been defaced by Team Greyhat. According to their press release, hackers also hacked into the Bangladesh Parliment website and gained sensitive data sized more than 40GB.

Also TeamGreyHat send a warning message to Bangladesh Cyber Army that reads "Yesterday TGH have broke into the Bangladesh Parliament Network & BD PM Office and gained access over more than 40 GB of sensitive data of BD govt. We are giving BCA 24 hrs to stop cyber-war else those data will be leaked and make available for all to download. "
It seems like its bad time for Bangladesh Cyber Space. This cyberWar is causing lot of damages for Bangladesh.

3 Bangladesh Media sites hacked by Team GreyHat

Earlier Today, Team GreyHat's official website has been hacked by bangladeshi hackers group "3xp1r3 Cyber Army" .  Team greyhat recovered their forum . Following this incident, Team GreyHat started to attack the Bangladeshi cyber space now.

So far, Team Grey hat hacked  three Bangladeshi Media sites as payback to 3xp1r3 Cyber Army. The defacement page says "#T4rg3t Bangladesh #Msg for BD govt. 3xp1r3 Cyber Army (BD) is responsible for this hack.  #spcial f*** to 3xp1r3 Cyber Army  #BD cyberspace is now our target . save it if u can.", Chandpur News 24(,Duranto Child News( become a victim for this attack.

69 Chinese Websites Hacked By TeamGreyHat [not really]

Update: Today we report that TeamGreyHat hackers hacked more than 60 websites and defaced them but unfortunately these sites are not hacked by TeamGreyHat.  TeamGreyHat hacker informed that there name is misused.

Most of sites are Chinese websites includes Chinese Government sites.

The websites belong to Yishui County Bureau, Yichang City Housing Authority and hacked .

List of hacked sites:

The full list can be found here:

TeamGreyHat rooted Colombiaweb Server and hacked 2019 Sites

Hackers group "TeamGreyHat(TGH)" have rooted Colombiaweb Server and hacked 2019 sites. According to VoiceofGreyHat report, earlier they hacked Hotmail servers, Mochahost Web Server, Guyana Server, Theexpert Server, Malaysian Web-host, Cybertek Web-Server, and many more.

You can check the list of Hacked sites here:

200+ Chinese Websites Hacked by Team Grey Hat

A Hackers Team named as "Team Grey Hat" hacked 200+ chinese sites and defaced them.  They upload tgh.html(defacement page) to the server.

Few Hacked sites:

You can check the full list of sites here: