c0c0n announced the Call for Papers and Call for Workshops for c0c0n 2012, a 3-day Security and Hacking Conference (1 day pre-conference workshop and 2 day conference), full of interesting presentations, talks and of course filled with fun!
The conference topics are divided into four domains as follows:
- Info Sec - Technical
- Info Sec - Management
- Digital Forensics and Investigations
- Cyber Laws and Governance.
We are expecting conference and workshop submissions on the following topics, but are not limited to:
- New Vulnerabilities and Exploits/0-days
- Open Source Security&Hacking Tools
- Antivirus/Firewall/UTM Evasion Techniques
- Software Testing/Fuzzing
- Network and Router Hacking
- Malware analysis & Reverse Engineering
- Mobile Application Security-Threats and Exploits
- Advanced Penetration testing techniques
- Web Application Security & Hacking
- Browser Security
- Hacking virtualized environment
- WLAN and Bluetooth Security
- Lockpicking & physical security
- Honeypots/Honeynets
- Exploiting Layer 8/Social Engineering
- Cloud Security
- Critical Infrastructure & SCADA networks Security
- National Security & Cyber Warfare
- Cyber Forensics, Cyber Crime & Law Enforcement
- IT Auditing/Risk management and ISO 27001
CFP Review Committee:
0x01 - Armando Romeo
0x02 - Dinesh O Bareja
0x03 - Peter Giannoulis
0x04 - Simon Bennetts (a.k.a. Psiinon)
0x05 - Vahan Markarov
For more details about the Review Committee, visit - http://is-ra.org/c0c0n/cfp.html
Submission Guidelines:
Email your submission to: cfp [at] is-ra [dot]org
Email subject should be: CFP c0c0n2012 - <Paper Title>
Email Body:
Personal Information:
>> Speaker Name:
>> Job Role/Handle:
>> Company/Organization:
>> Country:
>> Email ID:
>> Contact Number:
>> Speaker Profile: (max 1000 words)
>> If there is additional speaker please mention it here following the above format.
Presentation Details:
>> Name/Title of the presentation:
>> Paper Abstract: (max 3000 words)
>> Presentation Time Required (20, 30, 50 Minutes)
>> Is there any demonstration? Yes or No
>> Are you releasing any new tool? Yes or No
>> Are you releasing any new exploit? Yes or No
Other Needs & Requirements:
>> Do you need any special equipment?
>> We will be providing 1 LCD projector feed, 2 screens, microphones, wired and/or wireless Internet.
>> If you have any other requirement, Please mention it here and the reason.
Remember these Dates!
>> CFP Opens: 16th Mar 2012
>> CFP Closing Date: 30th Apr 2012
>> Speakers list online: 21th May 2012
>> Workshop Dates: 02nd Aug 2012
>> Conference Dates: 03rd and 4th Aug 2012
*NOTE:* We should not promote vendor/product oriented submissions hence it will be rejected.
Speaker Benefits:
>> Complimentary Conference registration.
>> Complementary Accommodation for 2 nights.
>> Complementary conference passes.
>> Invitation to c0c0n-Blast (The Networking Lungi party).
>> Travel Reimbursement - The selected speaker will receive travel reimbursement, to the extent available with existing ISRA /conference funds.
>> Only one speaker will be eligible for the benefits in case there are two or more speakers for a talk.
Thanks and Regards,
-c0c0n Team-